These should be halted last year. FFS people are dying suddenly , all ages and mostly healthy. Heart attchez and strokes , SADS and huge nos of ladies health issues , Turbo cancers. . All known and documented side effects as per their own data.

Ed dowd has data now as per life insurance claims. We are living in a dystopian nightmare.

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since thr are signed Gvt contracts going out years, and "Moderna expects to produce up to 100 million vaccine doses each year in Australia." (thats 2022); im skeptical this will be anything but prelude to a novel polyVal product. but gr8 observation! took me a while to even find this much. _JC


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Thank you very very much for this beautiful beautiful information

You made my day with your good news

I hope we are end of the TUNNEL

I hope we are the Vectors

Merry Christmas and happy happy New Year 2023

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They still have the Moderna bivalent shot available, so looks to me like they might be trying to push everyone crazy enough to still be on the jab train, to accept that one instead. It's only available for 18+ though.

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If you still think it in the realms of possibility that negligence and ineptitude have guided things so far, you could explain it by the CDC findings on miscarriage: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/cdc-data-moderna-causes-42-more-miscarriages

Of course you'd have to then explain the thousands of other treatments, civil liberties, human rights, studies and datasets which would be needed to be ignored and fraudulently conducted/interpreted to even have offered these shots in the first place.

If, like the rest of us, you've admitted that negligence and ineptitude as a relevant explanation are about as likely as a bat naturally evolving military grade bioweapons right next to a bioweapons facility within 3 months of a documented plan to use a fake pandemic for a worldwide power grab, then the explanations become more speculative, yet more likely to be accurate. Some guesses:

1) James Corbett describes the lockstep of the last few years as a happy aligning of goals for traditionally competing evils. He predicted they would inevitably turn on each other. This may be a successful power move from Pfizer to claim a little more of whatever public funds can be siphoned from citizens to big pharma by cutting out Moderna's share.

2) Pre-emptive damage control to delay and obfuscate the wider understanding that all covid jab brands have destroyed so many aspects of citizen's health. "This brand was found to have a small risk not found in the other brand" is a better message than "all brands were known to kill and injure you all, some brands were more efficient at it"

3) Just the usual 'fire and see what sticks' level of memory holing and gaslighting made by oligarchs who don't really have that much control over messaging, just inject money, influence and fear, then hope that your systems succeed better than you could hope like they did in Convid so far.

4) Wind up the phase of 'injure via covid shot', and start the phase of 'admit covid jab injuries and treat them with the tools we've been developing for that'. I'm sorry I forget where the best reference is for this claim. I think it has been A midwestern doctor following that line of research: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Meryl Dorey

Or is there a contract expiry? But who would know with these corrupt people...

Either way, when they quietly change things like this (and they ALWAYS quietly change them, especially when it comes to covid!!!), it's never coming from a 'good' place. Usually from political or financial motives...not any sort of 'health' motive...

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