thanks, a huge treasure trove on related information

Specific to the medical cartel is this essay:


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It should and it must. Personally know a front row and center prominent data cruncher.

He has published some of the best analysis. We cannot stop, though perhaps can mitigate to some extent the carnage. It is well past time for normie types to wake up and realize they have been systematically lied to. Nothing safe or effective about Quaxcines... What I love about subs is that we have a so far uncensored voice here. This is edifying... Well over 10K MD's are screaming and the number is growing very quickly! Blessings

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Another thing I was thinking about is the way they test for these so called diseases and how they name so many different names when they could be the same thing, do you know anyone who has written about that aspect? I personally feel it is lack of nutrition, and toxic overload for many.

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I listened to an interview with Greg Beattie, such an intelligent man, so great the word is getting out. I had my suspicians many years ago and was glad I did not get my son vaxed, even though living in a small town it was hard, it was worth it.

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And then there is the Israeli book out more than five years now, first published in Hebrew and since last year in English, 'Turtles All The Way Down'. The authors chose to remain anonymous due to being from a smallish population ANd perhaps more importantly not wanting their battles to become the story when the subject of Vaccination IS the issue.

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Wow! That’s great information to have. Thanks Meryl.

I’m so glad we did not vaccinate our children with this horrible MMR vaccine and any others for that matter (except just one son until we woke up to the horror of nearly losing him and he has always been much sicker than the others with lifelong illnesses). Also, my good friend lost her 12 week old baby girl to SIDS just hours after multiple vaccines were administered. Did she believe me when I connected the dots for her? No, not at all and her next baby got all the same jabs and has nearly died on a couple of occasions and has many issues. What’s it going to take to convince some people?!

All our six children have had measles and survived undamaged, lol. The thing is, to my mind, the next generation of parents don’t seem to know that children can be nursed well through a measles outbreak and are not educated to know what to do. My children were treated in the home, just like I was (and I had measles and Scarlet Fever at the same time delaying my start for kindergarten at 5yo). My children had to stay in bed, no bright lights, we curtained or blanketed windows, no TV and in this day and age, it would be no screens at all until the disease has run its course. Now, there was indeed rebellion, naturally, but dare I confess that I gave them all a good explanation about blindness ensuing due to damaged eyes exposed to bright lights. I found that my kids were happy not to go blind, so they submitted to the wiser advice. We played tapes for them, read to them and once they felt like sitting up they did jigsaws, coloured in their colouring books or played cards. You know, the “old fashioned way” of doing things. BTW, they all had chicken pox, one had mumps and two had German measles - all treated at home. NP.

Most mothers (and fathers) these days are (both) having to go out to work to make ends meet, especially if they are single parents and to take time out to care for their children with something like measles for the entire duration of the disease can mean a docking in pay or taken from accrued holiday pay, a deterrent to so doing and which to my mind is exacerbating the entire situation for everybody. But don’t worry, just take a vax that you’re told is the answer to all your kids’ troubles and yours and get back out there to work and pay those inflated taxes for the country that cares for you. Not!

This captured medicinized country is a** up.

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So good to hear, I did the same with my son, no vax, and he never got sick, only once when he went to kinder, don't know what it was but using homeopathics he was fine after a couple of days. Now an adult he never even gets a sniffle. I do believe living a natural life without toxic chemicals and wholefood intact plays a bit part too. Homepathics also have preventative remedies for these diseases.

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I have been warning about the dangers since 1997. I have witnesed 4 generations of vexx injured people and it still continues, as the curse that it is. My generation in the 1950's when it started with the so called wonderful new "triple antigen" DTP and polio,, my children, my grand children and now my great grandchildren. And so it continues like the offerings to Molech in ancient days., which was only stopped by the righteous King Josiah. (2 Kings 23:10) Where is our King Josiah to stop this madness?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thank you, Meryl. I tried to find other graphs to do a comparison, but there isn't much available. All the graphs of childhood deaths from early 1900s to present day that I found showed that all child mortality was on it's way down before the vaccines. I am surprised, but I always appreciate when someone has shown me clear evidence. And in a friendly manner, too. I will pass on your information to anyone I might meet in future who believes, as I did, that childhood vaccination has eradicated the old diseases.

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Thanks for replying, Lynda. It's a bit of a shock to the system, isn't it? We have been sold such a line of bull! And for so many years too. It's made me question basically everything I'd been taught/learned. And you know what, this isn't the only big lie that I used to believe. So take your time looking at this and thanks for sharing too.🙏

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Goat roped, most willfully. One should consistently question everything especially basic assumptions. Whoever asks the best questions gets the best answers. Has never been different. We have been systematically lied to...

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Excellent article, may I add “Turtles All the way down” to your already great reading list https://amzn.asia/d/64yw7xM

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Great book - I have to admit that I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I'm working on it!

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The link between sanitation (or the lack thereof) and infectious diseases is still being proved out today in developing countries, as I discussed in my article Beating measles with toilets – the Swachh Bharat Mission (https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/beating-measles-with-toilets-the). But as we all know, the vaccine business is far more profitable than the plumbing business.

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And CDC, WEF and the rest, DO kindly cease and desist from prescribing these poisonous jabs to those 65 and older. #donotcomply

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Thanks Meryl. I had seen some of these graphs before but never all of them.

Years ago my chiropractor in Sydney warned me about vaxxes and I have avoided them ever since. My wife and I were completely against the covid vaxxes from when they were first mooted.

They are just a fraud and an evil attempt to profit rather than properly treat.

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Kudos to you, Meryl. It really is a wonder WHY people put all sorts of poisons into their systems in the belief (because that's all it is!) that it will make them better!

Once you're out of that indoctrination and you can see it clearly from the other side, you realise the body has wonderful self-healing abilities and that almost everything the Church of Medicine is peddling will only make your system WORSE!

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Agreed 👍

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

I believe that home schooling is the only way to save and protect children. Hopefully parents will form homeschool co ops.

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Yes, I homeschooled/unschooled my son, taught him how to read and think for himself and he basically taught himself. All I had to do was expose him to as much as I can, we had so much fun taking him to all sorts of exhibitions, shows, festivals, kids events etc. And every week to the library with a pile of books. He taught himself computers, how to build one and now does coding as a hobby. All you have to do is listen to them and encourage their interests. He did not go well with what he said was boring stuff. The best thing about homeschooling is they learn to be their own person rather than a chain in the link of predetermined society. And I was a single parent on welfare with exemptions to look for work, not many know this is availabe, there is a lot of support for homeschoolers out there now too, not when we did it.

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My children all went to Steiner which was very different back then than it is now, but if I'd known more, I would have homeschooled or unschooled. I do think it is the only option now.

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