Omg how is it possible to mandate an experimental vaccine ? This is demo code

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Well done Russell, keep up the good work.

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Emailed. I also reminded him of our Australian Constitution!

Civil conscription is unlawful!

Section 51 (xxiiiA) The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to: the provision of maternity allowances, widows' pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;

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Goodonya, Russell. The vaccine hesitant are still paying the price for not having the jabs. My fiancee lost her job, and still suffers emotional distress from the isolation and lockdowns.

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Thank you Russell for standing up and speaking for all Australians.

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I was stood down from my job as a result of this communist ideology - for the greater good. What a crock it has turned out to be!

Thanks for shining a light on this lunacy. Medical apartheid - never again!!!!!

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I know of at least 2 very close friends who have succumbed to the POISON in the last 2 years ....there may be more that I am not aware of at this moment ....

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Thank you for standing up for what is right!! These mandates should have never been allowed to happen, bodily autonomy is a fundamental right.

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Russell Broadbent had been anti vax and assusting jab injured individuals for years already.

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Sent an email thanking him for actually speaking up at last lost my job for not taking the death jabs straight away after the first one ended up in hospital still had to get my second one to get my job back

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Aug 22Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thank you for speaking out. It can be very hard to navigate when you need to work to pay a mortgage but have limited options for care for your young children, all because of the unjust laws of no jab no play. It is discrimination against our children and they are the ones who suffer. Thank you for bringing light to the topic

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A huge thank you to you Russell.

I have never believed in a vaccination for a healthy baby or anyone else for that matter. It's been 37 years since I decided against them. Proud to say there have been no allergies or health issues in all 4 healthy children.

Sorry, my mistake as my 3rd baby contracted whooping cough at 6 months. A dear elderly herbalist treated her with her own concoction. Remarkably older 2 siblings did not contract it even though we all shared the same household. No nasty side effects either from said concoction.

What did upset me was when my oldest son had a jab or 2 so he could travel. My oldest daughter also jabbed so she could keep her job. I lost my work in disability.

I could go on but ..... Please keep up your great work.

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Thank you Russell Broadbent so much ... so much more to come out

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Aug 21Liked by Meryl Dorey

Every one who earns an income pays taxes, some of which goes to families for child support and education. It beggars belief that we have such awful laws in Australia that untaxed people cannot get child support. Thank you for exposing this.

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Thank you to Russell Broadbent for speaking out on this issue.

If only other MPs would do their duty and engage in discussion on this important matter re voluntary informed consent for medical interventions such as vaccination.

The fundamental problem is that the medical profession should never have collaborated with coercive and mandated vaccination, as this precludes voluntary informed consent.

This is such a shocking state of affairs.

It's due to the imposition of the No Jab, No Pay law in 2016, and subsequent state No Jab, No Play laws, that we have ended up with No Jab, No Job and No Jab, No Life during the Covid debacle.

Now there is no valid consent for all the COVID-19 injections administered, because this was undertaken in a climate of mis/disinformation, coercion and mandates...which precludes voluntary informed consent.

Russell Broadbent is doing sterling work in engaging in this issue.

I hope he will also directly challenge other key parties responsible for this shambles - Ahpra, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and the Australian Medical Association, and others.

The regulator of practitioners, and the colleges and professional associations have so badly failed the Australian public in not refusing to collaborate with coercion and mandates.

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Aug 21Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thanks Meryl, it took him a while but he seems to have got it at last!

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Let us hope he will similarly review his position on global warming and climate change.

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not sure what his position is? Good science certainly does not support such hocus pocus, but woke "science" is anything goes as long as it supports the narrative!

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