https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard_Rennick "Rennick promotes climate change denial"

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Thank you Czarles. This is not what I meant however. Posting a Wikipedia page that is edited by those who oppose one point of view is not part of a scientific debate. If you believe that man-made climate change is correct and those who question it are wrong, then please cite primary references to demonstrate that. I do appreciate your discussing this though. Thanks again. :-)

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It is not a point a of view. Man-made climate change is a scientific fact accepted and reckognised worldwide. Senator denies science and denies facts. You see Australia burning and drowning and scientists worldwide are 100% clear about it all. I feel deeply sorry for you but we hear it around the world that Australia has become climate denial global misinformation hub.

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I wish you all the best. I do hope that at some point in the future, you will choose to research this issue yourself instead of just listening to what others tell you.

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I am sorry for Australia for all that misinformation spread by this pseudoSenator. It is obvious it is Rupert Murdoch's wrongdoing.

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Can you please cite the misinformation you are claiming Senator Rennick is spreading and how is he a pseudo-Senator? I would really like your clarification on these questions.

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He denies climate change and he has been widely corrected by Australian scientists. The smell of misinformation cam be smelled even in Europe. He also posts on his facebook that prior to Russian agression on Ukraine have been many records of peace violations observed by special observing mission and he fails to mention all these violations concerned russioan activities. He also says that media did no say about that which is untrue as we had all information on Russian hostile activities on territories they stole from Ukraine and occupy. ... And the reports published on a regular basis by that observing mission are in plain English, at least if could read as a senator

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So by misinformation, you mean he is saying things you disagree with. There is a difference, you know. Senator Rennick has references for his statements. And the basis of maturity is being able to discuss disagreements respectfully without ad hominem attacks. If you believe that something Senator Rennick has said is incorrect, then you might want to provide your references to prove that. Because what I see is you saying he's wrong because you said so. It didn't work for my mother when I was 17 and it won't work for you either :-) Let's have a discussion and exchange information, OK?

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By misinformation I mean he spread lies which is climate denialism, ignorance for science, conspiracy theories, covid information manipulation and spread of Russian propaganda. As I see, internet, media, scientists and othere politician in Austrelia are crystal clear about it https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/dec/07/liberal-senator-gerard-rennicks-vaccine-claims-condemned-by-health-officials-in-covid-inquiry

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There are many, many eminent scientists who agree with Senator Rennick though. You have chosen a side but from what I'm reading, you are simply making an appeal to authority and not providing any evidence to back up your assertion. That's not science.

Here is some science (and some articles from the lay press about the science) regarding those who disagree with the mainstream line on climate change. There are two sides to this story - you might want to check out both. It may not change your mind, but at least you will have a better understanding of why people are questioning what they've been told.





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Senator Rennick is one of the few REAL members of our Parliament who are there to fight for our best interests--and what a warrior he is!! Bless him. (And Malcolm Roberts, Alex Antic, Pauline Hanson and one or two others I might have missed.) The Greens, the "Teals", the Labor-ites and their followers are just there defending their idiot-ology of "Climate Change" and other aspects of the NWO, not the well-being of fellow Australians, who are doing it hard after severe drought, catastrophic fires, and record floods topped up with a damaging--sometimes lethal--dose of a drug supposed to be "safe and effective"!! Senator Rennick, I dips me lid--you're a hero!

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So fast forward to today...... Now we have the wonderful Ita Buttrose and other highly paid public service health experts ? promoting every hour on radio , " I'M ANTIVIRAL " I seem to recall that Ivermectin etc were proven and effective treatments (antiviral ) However anyone ,especially in the

medical profession , were threatened with total ruin for even mentioning the words. Governments made

these products ILLEGAL for Gods sake.

Now we have PFIZER promoting anti -viral medicines. Obviously the cash - cow vaccines have reached their use by date...............................WAKE UP !!!!!!!

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Why is it that whenever the good guys get an apparent majority of votes the losers call for a division? This is more bullshit. IF those who are voting (In the division) have not been in the chamber for the presentation they have no legitimate right to vote against it.

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This is not coming down properly- it works for about 20 - 30 seconds then stops. Over & over.

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I've had that exact problem for the past couple of weeks. I have a NightHawk wifi, and when it starts this game, I unplug it (remove battery) for 10 seconds and then turn it back on and it seems to work really well.

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Hi Louisa - I've just tested the video and it worked perfectly all the way through. Maybe try another browser and if that doesn't work, restart your computer and try again. It's my answer to every glitch and 9 times out of 10 it works! :-)

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Wow! those two women are so smug and arrogant..... It hurts me to think that I once supported them. Where HAVE their heads gone? Good on Senator Rennick. He speaks up well and he will be proved right in the end. May those who have refused to listen to him now hang their heads in shame.

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He’s an absolute legend, he’s spot on speaking the truth. He is for the Australian people who are voiceless, he’s standing in the gap for the vulnerable. He and a few like minded Senators and MPs will be remembered! Greens are corrupted and blinded by their own gains and will be remembered, they are criminals and should be made accountable! How dare they scoff at vaccinated injured people. They are pure evil, lining their own pockets. Shameful and they are from the dregs of hell!

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I sent this video to my multiple vaxxed lawyer son in Victoria. Here’s his reply:

“Not interested :) it’s an extraordinary failure of government that all of the horrifying consequences of getting SARS2, from strokes and heart attacks to HIV-like immune damage, have essentially been swept under the rug to get everyone acting “normal”, so the huge amount of people dropping dead and being permanently disabled by SARS2 happens in a complete information vacuum and gets blamed on the vaccines by cranks and weirdos. I’m over it frankly, let everyone not get vaccinated and die in the acute infection stage instead of dying in the chronic stage, so long as we’re pretending we don’t need to change our behaviours in any way while essentially airborne HIV is circulating uncontrolled then vaccination isn’t enough anyway. We do not live in a society we live in a market, I just wonder what will happen when enough people are dead and disabled to affect the market.”

He’s firmly convinced all the carnage is the virus, not the vax. 🤷‍♀️

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Sadly, there are too many like him. One of them WAS Dr Aseem Malhotra, until his much-loved father died from the "vax" and he decided to do some RESEARCH. He went from "vaccine" supporter to debunker. https://www.theepochtimes.com/dr-aseem-malhotra-from-vaccine-pusher-to-vaccine-debunker-how-i-changed-my-mind-about-the-covid-19-jab_4915606.html; Now there are many more like him. The tide is slowly turning.

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Then why aren’t those of us who aren’t jabbed - but who’ve had Covid - not experiencing these chronic symptoms and sudden deaths?

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Because our natural immunity kicked in and booted Covid out.

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