I think this data is now discredited, and should be withdrawn. Liz Gunn appears to have some personal issues of her own: lets leave her to sort them out.

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meme saying mengele's nurses, well the greatest psychological and medical experiment since the nazi's, if fact beyond jab job, jab fly, coersion breakes nuremburg

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Liz needs to post the evidence, eg the 30 peope from the same clinic, where are the receipts? Family will have.. yes we know the jabs are killing people but every claim needs corroborating evidence

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Somewhere ZOG must be handing out 'rewards' to these killers, they did good made quota an then some;

Soldiers KILL & Blow stuff UP

Doctors & Nurses KILL, and POison people: Who KNew???

Hey imagine when its 100% GOV health-care, then it will be 100% accelerated Murder 24/7/365

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I've been sending reports of the damage these jabs have been doing for 2 years to our politicians without any acknowledgement since they dare not admit culpability. Nothing will be done.

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Which clinic is that? Where?

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Australians need to be fully informed by Sky News conservative commentators and Independents on covid deaths severe injuries after vaccination and warned about the potential long term effects of the MRNA jabs, Australians must show we have the moral compass and insist on a Royal Commission into Covid and not let the Government avoid the consequences of their condemming actions towards our population entire population during covid. Andrew Hastie and Pauline Hanson would also be strong voices to help Australians fight for a Royal Commission and it needs to be done simulatneously with NZ.

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If there were all these thousands of people dead then it would affect many many families in New Zealand and it would soon make big news. It hasn’t.

Instead of just saying that 30 people who attended the same vaccination centre all died within a short time of each other, why not publish the information – the names, the dates of vaccination, the vaccination site, and the dates of death.

If that was done I’m sure you would find that pretty soon, the deceaseds’ families would speak up and the truth would come out.

So why not publish the details?

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Thank you, dear Meryl,

I find it so very interesting to think that Liz Gunn has to appeal to Winston Peters... it should be enough for ALL to see that this has been a criminal act against the whole world. To think that the WHO is that close to being in control of the whole world is just mind-blowing!! What on earth are the world’s politicians and leaders thinking!???

I DON’T AGREE AND DO NOT GIVE MY CONSENT, and I’m sure ALL of your followers, those of Andrew Bridgen, Dr John Campbell and Dr McCullough, (plus just far too many more), wouldn’t either, so how is it that it’s that close to being a fait accompli?

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Seriously, I can't believe this story is getting any air.. It's saddening to believe that the reedom community has bought this story , hook, line and sinker. As a New Zealander I can tell you this story is bogus. I have studied death rate patterns relating to Covid in New Zealand for the past two years. Firstly, the data does not support the claim that tens of thousands of people have died from the Covid vaccines in NZ. Our worst death rate was from March 22 to March 23. There were around 4000 excess deaths in this period and around 2600 had a Covid diagnosis..After a subdued winter 23 death rate, due to the pull forward effect that killed many of the vulnerable in the winter of 2022, the rate has started to climb above the long term trend in September 23. Regarding the claim that 30-died from one clinic , it's possible they were from a nursing home. My mother was one of 24 who died In a nursing home in 2022. They were all vaccinated and most over 75 in age. Given that the death rate is highest among the elderly, it is not surprising that 30 in one facility have died. Yes, some could be vaccine related, but the causes of death have not been revealed. Liz Gunn has to be seriously questioned. She did not make it into parliament after making outrageous claims about how many votes she would get.

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There is no thread as proposed, below the video on the NZL website, makes one wonder..?!?

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Most of the New State trusting numpties (the many people of former NZ and Australia) relying on WEF New State of Oceania propaganda and disinformation feeds (in NZ) such as, "STUFF" "NEWS HUB" "TV/RADIO NZ" or (in OZ) such as the ABC have quite literally no idea about is being talked about here, or who is Liz Gunn. They explicitly believe in the State/political/bureaucratic/corporate DISINFORMATION, in "safe and effective," and in receiving a multiple number of shots, even though the latter has become a fixed, risible WEF joke of negative-benefit and unpredictable lethality.

They sleep well in their cots at night, and many of them have sadly not awoken, whether in the morning or ever at all. I'm afraid it is going to take a lot more than Liz Gunn 'revelations', or the revelations of thousands of State exempted health professionals to awaken anyone.

But it is a beginning.

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Full exposure ! And trials for those who are complicit in injuries and deaths ... Jacinda Ardern !!!

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Rather than an intent to do harm, I see only consistent, psychopathic corporate indifference with the eyes on the bottom line of the balance sheet. The criminal history (on the record, not counting all the law suits whose plaintiffs have been bought off) of the various companies that constitute Big Pharma is LONG and sordid. What happened with the covid scam was more of the same, writ (very) large and pushed by the BARDA, which owns the patents and has a serious interest in developing means of confronting the sorts of pandemics its gain-of-function research is presumed to result in at some point. The use of humans as guinea pigs by these people (both Big Pharma, especially in Africa and the BARDA in the U.S. armed forces) is nothing new, only the scale of the experiment is new.

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She tells us the web address to get the report in her speech. You should put that link in your article otherwise what's the point.

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