Just in reference to the point about the food being altered, I realise it is GMO but I now wonder about the needles found in strawberries in Australia. Was that intentional vaccine/gene altering? I also bought lots of bacon from supermarket recently and left the fat on but when it was very well cooked there was no fat, it was weirdly watery 🤔

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Well the programmed takers in Australia will be really happy because no more needles for them. Prof Colin Pouton and his team have delivered a "Multi Variant" mRNA vaccine and I love this wording "to predict and protect against future variants" Now the article does not clarify how this new multi variant vaccine "predicts" anything. Bearing in mind they claim they have concluded not only rat testing but people testing. I wonder how many died or suffered serious adverse events.

This is the next generation of mRNA vaccines they state because it only focuses on the "Tip" of the Receptor Binding Domain (RBD instead of the "whole spike". They go on to state this RBD protein vaccine will the first "Nasal delivered". Then another shill from Uni of Melbourne Prof Terry Nolan, claims that injected vaccines are not good at preventing transmission (tell us something we don't know professor) but a spray in the nose "could" be more effective. There is that risk averse language, "Should", "Could" but we are not saying it will work. So now we watch and see what happens as the new round of vaccine boosters are pushed into the field this week. Noting ATAGI's recommendation :

- Pfizer monovalent Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine 5 - <12 years formulation (light blue cap)

- Pfizer monovalent Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine ≥12 years formulation (dark grey cap)

- Moderna monovalent Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine, registered for use in people aged 12 years and older.

What we have now is the population divided into three test cohorts for the same product made by different firms. I wonder if the ingredients list differs, I bet it does. This will make for some interesting data sets if we are able to obtain them on how "deadly and ineffective" they really are.


PS: I also like this statement because it proves the previous vaccines are ineffective "Unlike other approved vaccines, which only target the original Wuhan strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the bivalent one also targets the original Omicron BA.1 strain." So they admit now the previous vaccines are a total fail.

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Moving on (haha) a bit:

Lets look more critically at the content:

"REAL pandemic we face as a world has been caused - not by viruses or bacteria - but by vaccines.

One child in 25 with Autism;

one person in three with asthma;

nearly half of us will get cancer; and

more than half of our children are chronically ill."

I'm not sure if this last statement is true: I think 10% might be closer, but in any case, I agree with the premise that there are massive problems, and I would add childhood obesity and Diabetes T1 and T2 to that litany.

Next: Is it the vaccines"?

I definitely agree that they are a possible agent of harm, but there are others too. Some studies are looking into air pollution, which is definitely involved in asthma, I would add plastics and chemicals, lead and heavy metal pollution, hormones , endocrine disruptors such as Pharmaceuticals, dioxin and dioxin-like compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT and other pesticides, and plasticizers such as bisphenol A (BPA) and a few other prime suspects.

What we need now is a massive and well funded research programme, that is clean of bias and conflict of interest, to explore there properly.

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Lets not forget the elephants in the room, sugar, sugar and corn sugar (fructose) and trans fats. One only has to walk the streets of Australia and watch the morbidly obese families, parents and kids quaff down their coca cola,, KFC, Macfilth's and other body destroying products. A mate of mine always ate these products (not food), we went shooting photos for a day, I took fruit, homemade wraps and three litres of water. We had to stop so he could buy two cans of pringles, a garage sandwich, bag of lollies and two litres of coca cola, I kid you not. This man has never once eaten any vegetable in my presence. I suggested some mixed salad with his snitty one night, he nearly burst into flame. Eventually as I had warned him, type 2 diabetic within three years, I did not see him for a bit and when I did as we were getting ready to head out for dinner, he whips out a black bag and says " I have to do my insulin before dinner". When he got type 2 I also warned him what was coming if he did not sort himself out. So the next day we head out for our activities, stop at the garage, Diabetic lollies, a tin of pringles and Pepsi Max, "Its ok I can have this because it has no sugar and I have my insulin", double FACE PALM!!.

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I think there are questions about why anyone would choose such a diet: sugar is clearly a highly addictive substance like heroin, and nobody chooses to become an addict.

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Regarding the more than half of all children being chronically ill - I didn't get this information from the UK though I don't know why it would be different when your vaccination schedule is nearly identical to that of the US and Australia. But it is an official government stat.

In the US, more than 53% of all children are currently taking daily treatment for at least 1 chronic condition and in Australia, the last time the Australian Bureau of Statistics bothered to ask that question, which was nearly 15 years ago, there were about 48% under 12 in that same situation.

And you are right - vaccines are most certainly not the ONLY cause of this problem - our toxic food, air, water and medicines are also to blame. I put that in a little further down the page but should have made it clearer that it isn't JUST vaccines. But they are certainly contributors to these problems.

And I agree - if we had truly independent research, most drugs and vaccines would be stopped the very next day.

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I'm a seasoned public health strategist and campaigner. Yes, I wear both hats!

I've also been a carer, of my adult son, who has multiple and complex needs, for almost 30 years, so I keep a canny Scottish eye on all that is going down, from stories about electricity high voltage cables, to weedkillers, mobile phone masts to fine particulate diesel emissions. We live in a very complicated environment, for sure, but at least our western kids are not having to sift through vast heaps of garbage to sift out a few scraps to sell, for a few cents, as millions of kids in the Third World do, simply to survive.

So, Perspective is all!

Whats really happening? Well, its complicated. I think we need to explore multiple causality, in one city, flour blown over from the docks is causing asthma, in another city, coal smoke is killing people, and in some cities, young people are dying of drug addictions and despair... lets keep a sane and balanced perspective and an open mind.

PS: thats why I live in the country, LOL!

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So here's a good point about the COP28 conference ATM wanting to target pollution greater than climate change (bogus theory). Hope they listen.

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Yes, I mean climate change science is rather speculative, whilst the science on air pollution is settled. So that makes sense.

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Here's Amazing Polly's full CEPI video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/30Kld6lO0vUV

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Thank you so much! I couldn't find a search facility on her website and of course, a web search was completely unhelpful. I'm going to watch it again now. She is one heck of a good investigator!

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I watch her on Bitchute so I did a search there and found it. She's an amazing researcher...

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Hi Meryl

The book Confessions of a Medical Heretic by Dr Robert Mendelsohn, 1979, blew the lid off the medical profession for me way back then. I have not taken vaccines since then, and keep away from the quacks as much as possible.

Unfortunately they seem intent on doing all they can to destroy this world, most of it I think is simple greed and stupidity, some of them are genuinely convinced it is the right way, others I am sure are inspired by Satan.

Whatever the case we can't judge them as being worthy of eternal death, that is the role of Jesus.

I think all we can do is say, as Jesus said "Forgive them Father for they don't know what they do", and if they do know what they do then that is God's problem to forgive them or not.


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Not the world, just the carbon based useless eaters who are below their station.

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That was a fabulous book! I have a copy which I do not lend out because as far as I know, it's been out of print for years.

Destroying the world definitely seems to be on the agenda but hopefully, enough people will wake up that they can be stopped! 🙏

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While it is out of print you can still get a second hand copy, in link I provided you can get it from.

I am not sure that enough people will wake up, perhaps this is the end time spoken of by Revelation, when we can't buy or sell unless we have the mark of the beast? Rev 13:11-17

Until Covid I could not see people yielding to such a mark, now I think there are so many gullible people and such a world wide monetary system that it is certainly possible.

Scary times indeed, but we need to trust in God more than ever.

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deletedDec 12, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey
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I'm getting old and this is a sign...

Names change so often, I just can't keep up.

Any insult was completely unintentional and thank you for bringing this to my attention.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

I dunno what you wrote, but lets not get too excited if someone gets offended by our old school language. The new generations need to grow a backbone and become more resilient and less offended. Silly me, that would require critical thinking and understanding of context and the english language as it is intended to be written and spoken. ;) I mentioned the word "wog" where I worked, the leftists in the room all started wailing racism and inequality. I burst out laughing, that triggered them even further with one demanding I leave the meeting. Then I schooled her on the fact that I am part "wog" and immensely proud of that and my English heritage. Poor little marxist activist she is broke down accusing me of being a bully and mansplaining. So funny.

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Its OK, in Germany and some other countries this rather archaic term is still used to this day. I am seldom if ever offended by antiquated language personally, but I know some people who are quick to jump on such minor slips.

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I'm so glad you brought it my attention. Thanks :-)

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