What's really mis/disinformation, all I know, it's coming mainly from the government and connected agencies...

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The government are running scared they don’t like hearing the truth so they shut you down it’s time we as there bosses sack them we pay there wages it’s time we Australian people start holding these things accountable

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I suspect all this is a smoke and mirrors fight between government and big tech. having a WWE style match that looks mean and nasty in the media. Eventually the government will wail they can't win and the only way to defeat the child exploitation, misinformation and fake news will be for all citizens to have mandatory digital ID to access the Internet. Big Tech will then open their arms and say, we support that. Australians will wonder what the hell just happened and the majority of the young and old will fall into line because they cant cope without socials. Even then it will make no difference. We can easily set up Private wireless networks with relays and range extenders within streets, suburb to suburb and further, get a star link account, thats the government out of the picture it all goes via US Musk owned satellite. Back in the eighties and nineties we used Bulletin Boards, hundreds of private citizens hosted them on their own or a spare computer, you dialed into one with your modem, downloaded pirate software, chatted, exchanged fishing tips. Then dialed into a different one to do other stuff or gather local news that was not in the media. They think they are in control, they are wrong. People need to get tech savy, learn how to create their own private encrypted networks using their wireless routers on their streets and suburbs. Set up relays and range extenders to be able to communicate more widely. Encrypt all the traffic on those networks, encrypt the data on your systems. Buy an old laptop and install Qubes or Tails when accessing the 'Net' because it is no longer the Internet, is a 'web' and a pack filthy spiders are taking over. So much to be done, too little time and too many unwilling to accept what is being done to them and what is coming.

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For your children’s sake WAKE UP AND STOP THIS HATRED OF US AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS. Phone, email, go into parliament tomorrow morning. Do something to show we don’t want this takeover of our country by WHO and stop giving away our taxpayers’ money?!?!

Signed a very worried mum, grandmother, wife, aunt and all Aussies.

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If you want to be noticed try to contact them in this order: (1) in person, (2) call, (3) snail mail, (4) email, (5) social media. Note social media may be ranked higher for certain MPs and Senators who are very active and interactive on social media.


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Perhaps this is a better link to Joel's creation. https://youtu.be/txMxLwSmUW0?si=6dAkA58vHvsbMcZj

Joel created the website for the huge Australian Letterbox drop - the website was incredible. He is a smart young man. He also created other sites to report how the mandates affected Australians. As a result of this submissions were made to the royal commission. Again this website at the time was fantastic. The overwhelming response of Australians that made submissions were overwhelming for a one man band - I ended up volunteering [along with others] to go through the submissions suitable for submission. The portal he created for this was incredible, user friendly, and ran like clockwork. There were months of reading the horrific testimonies. Despite what they would have us believe, there is clearly more awake people than we are led to believe going by the stories. I don't know Joel personally - only followed some of his important work. What I do know he is brilliant and does everything out of his own money, apart from paid subscriptions. Please check out what he has developed for all of us

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Take a look at this option that Joel from The Winston Initiative has created. I believe this could be a very viable option for all of us as an alternative to what we have now. We must continue to have freedom of speech. Thank you for all that you do for humanity - I don't normally promote products etc., but believe this is worthy of exploring.


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Sep 12Liked by Meryl Dorey

They’ll have to kill me before I EVER comply with Snitch Bitch Rowland and her WEF scum buddies

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Well, well - fancy that. I get my viewing stuff from RLSBB.CC but you can't get there unless you use a VPN, I use Opera, which is free to do that. They can't fine and imprison us all - wanna bet, I don't -been there once on false pretences (4 years), don't want to go again.

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Sep 13Liked by Meryl Dorey

I would suggest you use a VPN client and not rely on the browser VPN service, those browser companies are subject to different laws that could mean they have to hand your data over to the agencies in their country and could quite well end up back in the hands of Australian agencies by way of mutual agreements and treaties. Express is fast, Proton is free and you can have free proton mail addresses as well. Do not take for granted your VPN traffic is not captured, it is, the ISP captures the details of your connection to their system and they can see you are encyrypting all your traffic via a VPN tunnel. They are required to retain logs of all traffic for two years for the government. You want an additional layer of security, get an old laptop and load TAILS or QUBES on it. But you will need to learn a new operating system and new skills.

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Thanks for your input - If you load rlsbb.cc on your open browser, you will quickly find out if your country has blocked access to it. Then a VPN becomes necessary, unless you like the government controlled programs and adverts, just for you, which I don't. So far as I am aware, Proton does not have a VPN for your computer access, only your mobile phone, well, I don't have one of those. There are some free VPN's and while I can use Opera, I'm disinclined to use one of those and I don't want to pay for a VPN service, while I don't have to. If Opera was providing feedback to my country of the VPN services I use, then I would not be on the internet now, is my take on things - Opera advertise their free VPN to get around government laws designed to stop that indirect access being possible and I've been with Opera for years and never had any adverse feedback from them or anyone - I download from Nitroflare, direct, and they have never been stopped by my country, so far either, so Nitroflare is not on the "not allowed" list so far. I use Microsoft Windows and always have done - I tried other Operating Systems but they never had a downloading capability and I could not see the point of them because of that. I have an Apple computer, but I don't like the way they are set up and run, I like to control my computer and me decide what I want to see on it and not the other way around. I don't use an antivirus program as I found they also have a tendency to block sites which are regarded as "unacceptable" and usually they delete all .exe files automatically, which "Portable" programs are and I use a lot of those to keep operating system loads down and hard drive capability at peak performance - removing everything I download to portable hard drives, so that my computers run like new and don't get clogged up - partitioned of course, downloads to "D" and not "C" and I use Deep Freeze to lock the registry of "C" so that if corrupted or "got at", I can pull the power plug and reboot in about 1 minute and off I go again - "C" is virus and trojan free, before Deep Freezing it. I clone the "C" drive setup with all programs good to go, so I can switch drives between tower computers, no problem at all - use laptops connected by HTML leads to 65 inch hi def TV's for cinema like viewing pleasure in the evenings - it all works very well.

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Sep 14Liked by Meryl Dorey

Proton VPN is free.

MS Windows is just as invasive as any government and does not respect your privacy and sends more telemetry and information to microsoft than anyone realises regardless of browser and VPN being used.

Whilst you have an apple computer you should have no trouble setting it up to 'Dual boot' or get a large and fast USB stick and set up TAILS or another Linux distribution of choice on that and boot from it. Then you will never have to worry about MS windows or anything else compromising you without your knowledge. As for the TV, smart tv is it? You cut off the network access, disabled the WiFi and BT protocols? You using Bitlocker encryption on your computer and portable drives? What version of Windows. Anything 7 or below suggests to me your security plan is severely flawed. If you are not backing up to a seperate drive and moving at least one off site there is a flaw in that strategy.

I am not aware of any operating system that does not permit downloading, which operating systems?

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I use various pirating tools to encapsulate Windows 10 and stop it from updating or accessing Windows at all and it can't do anything except that which I want it to do - took some experimentation, but got there in the end. I have the Linux programs, but never liked them enough to use them, apart from a quick looksee and Apple - shudder!!

With the exception of this my master computer, all of my other Windows 10 computers are off line and can't access the internet or get updates from Microsoft either and that includes 2 portables which are linked to large screen hi def TV's.

I've been wondering if they are 3G or 4G, might be, but I can't update them either, so I'm guessing probably not, or at least, not for the purpose I put them to, watching TV in the evenings.

Yes, I know that Proton VPN is free, but the version I had a look at, ran off a portable phone and i don't have one of those - I use this stripped down tower computer for all my online requirements, although I've got hard drive replacements ready to go, of course, locked down, same as this one.

I don't use Bitlocker because you have to have a computer which accepts Bitlocker, which means it has to be a current one and all of my Windows 10 Operating Systems don't have that - they are old computers, ex second hand ex lease.

I use Faronics Deep Freeze a working copy - well it was, but it's been hacked now and it is rather hard to get a working copy - the name of the game with that one, was to turn it off in the firewall and then it could not contact Faronics for final verification, or be turned off by them, which destroys your hard drive in the process - all of my drives are 2TB and I use a stripped down portable hard drive to plug in and pull out the storage hard drives (after turning them off), then take them across to another offline computer with HTML access to my clever TV's to watch, via another portable stripped down hard drive, what I have downloaded, but from there.

Same argument but a different way of my going about it - Windows 7 died when windows stopped the time connecting to an online server and reset Windows 7 to its original setup date, when it no longer would boot or anything else - clever that - they got around Deep Freeze somehow on that one.

Which download program do you use in Linux?

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misinformation means LIE. No need to double up. Save paper. If anyone is accused of Lying then a simple true - false "should" resolve the matter.

The adversary thrives on lies so what better to do than to obfuscate and confuse a matter of TRUE and FALSE.

Careful vigilance must be applied to "Definition under the act." not that literacy is a strong point of those who wish to deceive.



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Sep 12Liked by Meryl Dorey


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There is a link at the bottom of the post that says Share. That will allow you to share by email. You can also click on the 3 dots at the top right of the page (on my computer) or just click in the address bar to copy the URL for this page and share that anywhere.

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The Bill, just in: https://fb.watch/ux_4zDOvZ1/?

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Thank you, David!

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Sep 11Liked by Meryl Dorey

Greg Hunt announced on the abc insiders program that Australia is part of the biggest medical trial, the biggest vaccine trial, in history. Then he said the injections are ‘safe & effective’ - pre empting the outcome of the trial.

Experimental. No long term safety testing.

We now face “universal mRNA” injections , announced by fauci in a Ted talk at the Milken institute in about 2018. No jab can be trusted.

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And the only safe vaccine is the one that is never used.

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I have to use a VPN to access things which I like to watch on TV without adverts or nudging and although I'm in the clear with my substack, I can only access it via an email address and if I can't do that this way, I'll go dark with a VPN instead and if that does not work, then no more substack posts from me - ultimately, to control us all, it is inevitable that "they" will shut down free speach and thought, but then I don't read newspapers or watch free to air TV and I keep my thoughts to myself, except on my American substack - wherever I happen to be - and I won't be misdirected by misinformation or disinformation laws, when I can't be got at, in the first place, like with the disinformation laws in place from early 2020 to May 2023 to try and get me to be vaccinated, which did not work either.

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It will be an interesting time, the anzacs need to stand up again, this time the enemy is inside the walls.

The Trojan traitors are at the levers of power.

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I use a VPN - and will continue to do so. If that means I end up in jail or am bankrupted as a result of fines...so be it. They can't fine and imprison us all. Did you see the protests in Brazil this week and the 'parade' for the President on the same day with absolutely nobody in attendance. This is how you show the government who is really boss.

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Opera has a freebie which works fine.

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Sep 11Liked by Meryl Dorey

Absolutely appealing.

Makes me very angry.

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Wonderful post thanks Meryl.

Dystopia is already here but you have not seen anything yet.

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I'm afraid you're right Robin

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