Oct 29, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

The people supplying, pushing and administering the baby vaccines have black hearts. At some level there has to be accountability🥹😢

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

I've had to wait 5 weeks for a response from the TGA - and that was with multiple emails from me, too, asking to be contacted! You could be waiting a bit longer than a week for those buggers to get back to you! :-(

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Wow - in other words, I really shouldn't hold my breath!

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Hey, you never know, you could get lucky! They might get back to you in only 3 weeks!! :-D

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thank you Meryl for bringing this up. My partner also brought up you can have a conscientious objection to fighting in a war but you cannot not say no to an experimental medical procedure.

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Good point indeed!

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Hi Meryl; my son is in first year podiatry. We always knew it would be risky given the ever present threat of Covid vaccine mandates. So far, we’ve dodged that. However, serology revealed his hep b vaccines didn’t work...no surprise given he was 12 weeks premmie, stuffed full of cortisone, and still pre actual birth date when they gave it. They told him he needs it to continue his course. We are now firmly anti vax due to a lack of trust. I hate that some faceless, and without knowledge bureaucrat can decide this. In your letter to the TGA, you asked them whether the hep b in the new jab is the same as the previous. I hate to ask, but is the original hep b considered “relatively” safe by comparison. If he doesn’t take it, he’s out.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Your son is not in a nice spot here. I get that.

But put it this way - if they're requiring these jabs now, they're only going to require more in the future. If he jumps through this hoop, he's only going to have to jump through more in the future. If he complies now, they'll expect him to comply later.

NO course is worth having poison jabbed into you. No course at all.

I'm a Chiropractor with 17 years practice under my belt. During covid, I refused to wear a mask, I never took the jabs, I had a sign on my wall explaining why masks don't work, I explained to almost all my patients the risks of getting jabbed (and that masks don't work) and I even asked my patients to take OFF their masks when entering my room! They all complied. And I worked when the stupid NSW public health order said I was meant to be double jabbed by then. But the govt does not own my business. I do. The govt did not suffer through my studies. I did. They have NO RIGHT to demand bodily autonomy over me - or your son.

Look, if the course is that important to him, just get him to LIE on his AIR. Modify one on photoshop! Who cares! They're playing stupid ball, so play stupid ball back with them.

I was uninformed enough to have the Hep B vaccines in my late 20s in the mid-late 2000s, after I'd started working as a Chiropractor. A nurse patient gave them to me. I felt like I was living in a brain fog for 6 months after them. The Hep B vaccines got me questioning ALL the bad reactions I'd had from vaccines...and it was a lot! I have NEVER had another one since and will NEVER have another one again!

Also, when the question of why your son is not wearing a mask in hospital comes up, he just needs to say "I've got an exemption". They do not need to actually see the exemption.

Do NOT comply with these bastards!!! Your son sounds awesome and very strong. DO NOT back down!!

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thanks Robyn; I really appreciate your comments. We fully agree; it won’t stop with this one. The institution are already pulling the old “it’s professional misconduct” if you don’t.

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It's really hard when you're studying, because the University/College can turn around and say 'that's not how we do things here, we're kicking you out of the course'.

Once you're fully fledged, it's a different story.

Sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut and just lie about things, pretending to give them what they want. Sounds like you're a bit past that point, which means you might have to go down a bit more of a legal path. HOWEVER, that could also pave the way for other students who don't want to comply!

You know that saying of 'where there's a will, there's a way'? Well, it's very true. And it sounds like you and your son are quite determined, which is great! I've done 2 degrees & a Master, and let's just say that I tended to do things a bit differently at Uni sometimes ;-) I was studying Geology @ UTS, and decided to become a cross-institutional student to study Italian @ Sydney Uni. It was so I might be able to do a Geology placement overseas in Italy (which never eventuated; you know how life gets in the way, right?!). Sure, I had to find the obscure paperwork and bring it to the staff to sign, but sign it they did. I then did further cross-institutional studies at UNSW, one of which was 'Are We Alone?' (the search for extraterrestrial life!). I passed all my cross-institutional studies and they all got credited to my UTS Geology/Environmental Science degree! AND I finished with 1 point less than the required for my degree, but I got that signed off, too! So where there's a will there's DEFINITELY a way. I wasn't horrible about it, not at all! But I DID read up on the rules, and did all the legwork myself. I made it EASY for the staff. They just had to sign things I brought to them.

In my Chiropractic course, I had to shuffle a few things around sometimes, but really, so long as you play your cards right, most things should be doable at Uni. Trying to stay on-side with Uni people, and being decent with the necessary staff (ie the ones who sign things!), is a good idea. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, I guess. If they're being totally unreasonable, that's a different story, but I think the Law might cover that one?!

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Rachel, there is no legislation in place to allow any educational institution or employer to require the administration of Hep B vaccine. It is either hospital policy or State Health Policy - neither of which are law. It depends on how strong your son can be, but others have gotten through without being jabbed. First off, is this requirement for his practicum? If so, he can volunteer to wear a mask (make it cloth please) during the period he is in front of patients which is absurd since you and I know that Hep B is blood-borne - but that is one way he can meet them half-way. If that's not good enough, I have heard that private hospitals will often allow unjabbed healthcare professionals to do practical work there since they do not have to follow all of the State health policies. If none of that works, a last resort is to file an anti-discrimination claim with whatever the body in your state is that upholds rights (do they still exist?) since without the exchange of blood or bodily fluids, his Hep B status has no bearing on his ability to do his job.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thanks for your reply. Yes, his institution requires it for prac. I’m super proud of him. He set an example at his QLD school during the madness by refusing to mask. He copped a lot of flack for not getting the jab but one by one, they’ve approached him to apologise and talk about their health concerns, mainly chest pain. He did all of his own research, and took the institution to task for making it look like the c jab was mandatory, when it’s not, in a very rational way. He’s strong. So, with this information, we will continue to push back. Thanks again.

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Brilliant. If there's anything I can do to help, please contact me privately.

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My daughter who never had Heb B vaccine told a Doctor (when that same test was done) that she had had it. The Doctor said it was OK because often the antibodies don't show. 🤔

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Tshirts anyone?

How about:


Preventing good health

Since 1948

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thank you Meryl fir your untiring dedication to this cause. I have read the ingredients list of this Vaxelis injection. Even if the rDNA does not interfere with your child's genome, the other adjuvents are enough to make you feel sick. No wonder we are seeing such illness, disease abd failure to thrive, when we are injecting poison into our precious babies. 😥

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Absolute, Gail! And I did notice that it mentioned that there could be residual cellular DNA in the final product. Nothing to see here - just keep moving...

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

How's this; If you asked most people to have a, say, $10,000 punt of their hard earned dough, on a horse they know absolutely nothing about, they'd more than likely, look at you, as if you were off your trolley but the same "sensible" people won't bat an eyelid having a complete stranger pump an untested poison into their most precious little people. The world, in the main, imo, has gone completely bonkers.

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Yup - crazy is the new smart apparently.

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