Excellent article on a very important, and with Covid1984 remdesivir etc. patient-slaughter, critically relevant and timely topic: IATROGENIC HARM AND DEATH.

Yes, "There is something very wrong with the way medical professionals are trained."

Go to PAMELA WIBLE for doctor suicide and the horrible training doctors must endure until they can no longer.



And Australian doctors pushing back


by Rachelle Buchbinder and Ian Harris

“Two world-leading doctors reveal the true state of modern medicine and how doctors are letting their patients down. In Hippocrasy, rheumatologist and epidemiologist Rachelle Buchbinder and orthopaedic surgeon Ian Harris argue that the benefits of medical treatments are often wildly overstated and the harms understated. That overtreatment and overdiagnosis are rife. And the medical system is not fit for purpose: designed to deliver health care not health. This powerful exposÉ reveals the tests, drugs, and treatments that provide little or no benefit for patients and the inherent problem of a medical system based on treating rather than preventing illness. The book also provides tips to empower patients—do I really need this treatment? What are the risks? Are there simpler, safer options? What happens if I do nothing? Plus solutions to help restructure how medicine is delivered to help doctors live up to their Hippocratic Oath”




Get free, stay safe.

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I like that point about 'forewarned is forearmed'. It is VERY true.

When I considered going to hospital for my 3rd child (the homebirth midwife had cancelled on me when I was 5 months pregnant!), I first called a local-ish hospital, and spoke with a midwife there. I asked relevant Qs and she gave me truthful answers about the Obstetrician there. Needless to say, he and I would NOT have seen eye to eye! So I had a freebirth instead! Much better choice :-)

How many women would never have been in my position because they didn't ask questions FIRST, well before giving birth...? They were invariably the poor, sorry souls who weren't listened to by their belligerent 'doctor'...

When my hubby recently sliced his leg open (not a serious injury), I went to the local hospital as his advocate. We felt it was necessary and he's glad I was there for him. No nasty tetanus injection given! I did my job and all was well. He felt safer because of having me there. I even took out his stitches 13 days later - because we didn't want to go to hospital again, or a GP! And I dressed his wound a few times, too. So yes, I'm a very useful wifey!

When my son sliced his leg open years ago (it was serious), hubby & I had to do speed-reading and find out about tetanus injections ourselves because the 'doctors' wouldn't do surgery on his gaping, bleeding wound without a tetanus injection. Seriously.

Now, tetanus is an ANAEROBIC bacterium, so I'm pretty sure that loads of oxygen-filled blood in a gaping wound would not predispose someone to a tetanus infection. But somehow the 'doctors' didn't know that one...weird, huh?!?! Hubby was amazing and used his phone and his research skills to find 'tetanus immunoglobulins' - which was actually the correct one to administer if the patient is unvaccinated, which all our kids are, AND if tetanus is actually a risk (which it wasn't, but whatever, right? Who cares about science anymore?!?!). Then I had to speed-read the damned leaflet insert to make sure the anaesthetist didn't cause anaphylaxis by injecting it straight into his cannula! Thank goodness hubby and I could at least read and do research.

And when the damned cannula was being put in, they sent a HEAVY (a big male nurse) in as well - just in case my little 5 year old son needed to be pinned down so the little Asian doctor (newbie) could put it in. Yet again, I played 'Doctor' that day (well, I am one, but in Chiropractic, not Medicine!), by checking my son's skin temperature (cooler), his skin colour (paler) and breathing (it was slowing) to determine that he was asleep at this point. I gave some relevant history (that he's a heavy sleeper) to the 'doctor' and suggested that he should sleep through the cannula procedure if she was gentle - which he did. The 'doctor' was actually very thankful for my help, but the male nurse just sat on the end of the bed looking like a cranky bastard. Perhaps he would've preferred to pin down what would've been my screaming 5-year old kid whilst he had a needle forcibly thrust into his arm, who knows?! But at least the paediatric nurses on the ward the next day (at Canberra Hospital) were really lovely and sweet.

Anyway, my experience of hospitals and medical people is to AVOID them if you can, and if not, I whole-heartedly agree that you absolutely, DEFINITELY need an Advocate with you! Never be alone in hospital!! Not unless you want to die or suffer. My Mum certainly had some tales to tell me about nasty nurses when she was in Epworth Private in Geelong earlier this year...

So I don't want to go to hospital thanks. I've gotten through almost 45 years of life and I've never been an in-patient and I never want to be. I don't even enjoy being an Advocate for people in hospital, even though it seems I can do it quite well. I just really hate hospitals and 'medical' stuff!! Perhaps my memories of those vaccinations that caused me damage as a kid - and adult - are still keeping me sharp.

Mulder was right - trust no-one.

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You know because doctors and nurses use drugs to heal people and naturally think drugs can fix every problem you can bet a lot of them are in fact drug addicts and if you ever go into inner city areas of cities and see drug addicts shouting at the top of their voices at nobody or talking to themselves you certainly wouldn't want them operating on you in hospitals but in some cases that's probably what you are getting.

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Many Nurses - especially of the old school, prefer supplements and other forms of therapeutic medicine and/or treatment, however reminded sharply when anything else suggested - you’re ONLY the Nurse, I’M the DOCTOR!!

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After reading this article & all of the comments, there is another thread that is missing completely from what is occurring now in Australian hospitals.

I witnessed this first-hand when my daughter went into hospital 24 hrs after she landed back in Perth that was later attributed to a mosquito bite she received on holidays in Greece. It is the cultural differences between these nurses/doctors who come from other countries & are quickly employed here. That cultural difference has a huge impact on the quality of the care you either receive or not! (In her case, it cannot be classifed as 'care' at all!!)

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Hi dear friends - I’m a retired Registered Palliative Care Nurse who worked for over 40 years - when we trained in the hospital, I met a number of those who’d fought for positions of authority - because they were like the cruel warders in Prisoner! I met some of the very best people and some of the very worst! Most Nurses I trained with did so because, like me, we loved and cared for people and REALLY truly cared for our patients. We were paid a pittance. But we cared.

I’m shocked at so much I’ve seen since, but there still are some fabulous people - I think some of the horror stories happen because a reasonable person is so overworked, overwhelmed, and underpaid. I think many people in hospital now don’t understand about waiting at all - it’s a lot of me, me, my Mum, my Dad, my Daughter, my Son - NOW - without realising how many people per one staff member there are (& definitely not enough staff!!)

In old wards of 6-8-20 people you weren’t running up corridors of single rooms to see so few in such a large area.

It’s not great, many do Nursing for a profession and career, but realise afterwards that they often don’t like people! Or the elderly - which I’ve actually found in a number of Age Care Facilities - and have smartly told them they need to go, because you HAVE to care - at a minimum!!

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 19% of Deaths in Australia in 2001 where Iatrogenic/Nosocomial

According to a government-funded study published in 2001, Iatrogenic Injury in Australia, 11% of all deaths in Australia were caused by preventable medical errors in the hospital system. If we add in deaths in private practice to properly prescribed medication, that came to 19% of all deaths being medically-caused (iatrogenic or nosocomial).

Think about all this the next time you choose to go to a mainstream Western medical doctor, take a prescription for a harmaceutical drug or hear someone tell you to “trust your doctor”


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Every "professional" within the medical fraternity should, by law, be made to wear a camera & recorder ( just like the coppers) whilst making ANY & ALL decisions pertaining to the patient within their "care". Use their bullshit arguments against them, nothing to hide, nothing to fear, just to be on the safe side for ALL parties. Can't hurt, the patient that is & just watch the wrong diagnosis & lies reduce dramatically.👍😃

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 Why Doctors Are Lying to You – $400K-$500K Bounty on your Head in Covid ICUs!


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 Monstrous Transhumanist Nanopatch for Vaccines in Production

AI Patches with Luciferase Microarray, DARPA military Hydrogel and Cyborg-Insects as Sentinels


Queensland’s first needle-free “vaccine” facility just opened in Australia, yesterday. The microarray patch for intradermal delivery technology is also being called a Nanopatch and it’s aimed at our children.


It is well known that injecting human DNA into humans induces inflammation, autoimmunity and rapid cancer growth.

Johnson and Johnson developed the Luciferase microarray patch (See paragraph entitled, 2.3. Vector) containing the Adenovirus 5 vector for targeted deletion of the E1 and E3 genes, located on the X-chromosome.

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This needed to be said; I have been trying to warn folks of many of these outright evil and criminal acts being done in the name of ‘healthcare’.

What these people did (doctors and nurses all across the western world) inside of hospitals and clinics (all across the western world) is so disturbing, on so many different levels, most people I know think I’m absolutely bonkers when I say these exact things.

It is so evil, most regular people just cannot fathom that anything like this could ever happen, and yet it was the standard, it was the rule, not the exception.

I cannot tell you how many horror stories I have heard first hand, that I’ve read, interviews I’ve watched, and with every single story it was the exact same thing.

People, many times who walked in to the hospital themselves, sick, but certainly not dying, immediately get separated from their family members, because of ‘covid protocols’, checked in and again, they’re all on their own, they aren’t given any help, no vit C, D, etc, no HCQ or Ivermectin...they’re already frightened and now they’re getting sicker and sicker, probably mostly from the mental stress and anxiety because you have no one there, no advocate, and then it’s ventilator and Remdesivir (Run-death-is-near), sometimes heavily sedated first, so you’re really out of it. And many of these folks died.

Now if what I described actually were to happen, this is negligent manslaughter at best and 1st degree premeditated murder at worst; but this did happen. It happened all across the western world, driven by the CDC here and the WHO everywhere....they made this happen by paying them off.

These hospitals got massive chunks of money, with bonus layers upon bonus layers, the more you diagnosed Covid, the more ventilators you used, the more Remdesivir you prescribed (which by the way is a failed Ebola drug, which killed 53% of the participants when Fauci’s own NIH commissioned the study)....and these places got rich off of all of that nonsense. Again, when I say this, people go, ‘you must be wrong, there’s no way this is true.’; and it is, IT IS #%{‘ing TRUE.

So we’ve gone way past incompetence here, we’ve even gone past malevolent, this is pure evil, and not to get too religious here, but this cannot be anything but Satanic in nature.

And here’s the worst part, my words here don’t even scratch the surface; I’m just a normal father and husband, I love all people, I am kind to all people, I don’t want to be writing any of this right now, I want to be listening to music with my wife, playing ball with my children, snuggling with my dogs; I don’t want any part of any of this.

But normal people don’t have the option of not standing up to this. They aren’t ever going to stop. Life as you knew it in 2019 and prior is over. The bad guys seized control and they aren’t going to stop.

Our only chance out of this mess, as I see it is we first have to allow these fools to divide us; there is a reason they spend 100% of their time, trying to divide us regular people.

We must have unity, we must stand with love and truth and honor; and we must NEVER, and I do mean NEVER, ever allow anyone any harm, physically, we must practice civil disobedience in a nonviolent way; they hold a monopoly on it, it’s what they want, can’t let that happen.

But we must stand up and SAY NO. No, we’re not doing this anymore. They know how many more of us we have, which is why they will never allow us to fully know the truth, they act as though they’re the majority, the CNN, NY Times, Fox News people, but they aren’t, they’re a tiny minority who just so happen to own 90% of the media consumed by Americans...but no one is buying their crap any longer, people don’t watch CNN (there is normal people, who record news shows from their couches who get double, quadruple, twenty times the viewership of CNN’s top rated show. No one cares what these sycophants have to say; they’re literal puppets, stupid, arrogant, ignorant puppets.

I’m sorry to rant here, I really just came to say, “THANK YOU”; we cannot allow this evil to gain another inch. And I hope that anyone who reads this, will join me and saying, NO MORE. This insanity must stop, we are surrounded by it, NOW.

Lay me just say, once again, we must stand with the essence of the great Dr Martin Luther King Jr, and come together for our children and their future, and practice peaceful nonviolent civil disobedience and noncompliance. Love is the answer, the truth is the answer, God is the answer.

May the force be with you.💚

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My fiancée just spent 5 days in hospital for a gallbladder infection. They were able to treat it with antibiotics. The surgeons were adamant that he have it removed. .. but his personal GP said it was unnecessary if infection has cleared up.. the hospital surgeons did NOT want to take NO for an answer. After he said NO to 5 different surgeons, did they agree to release him..

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

I believe I am suffering post hospital PTSD. I was locked up in isolation for 14 days with supposed covid, having lost my voice so unable to talk, and no way that anyone could visit me to act as a support to my supposed "informed consent". With this disease, our oxygenation goes too low for clear thinking, so we are left having to give consent, with inadequate or no information - so not "informed" and with no alternative treatments suggested, even if we could grasp the implications of the treatments offered. My oxygenation was at 80% for the first 11 days of my hospitalisation, when I had a range of treatments imposed upon me "to save my life" with no request for consent and no opportunity for friends or family to intervene and do the thinking for me. After a while I started refusing offered treatments just to be bloody minded. At no time did anyone ever discuss with me the long term effects of anything they were giving me or doing to me, and at no time did anyone offer any alternatives. I eventually texted someone from outside to send me in some nutraceuticals (which they left at reception for me) which I started taking secretly, without their consent, and which clicked in almost immediately, with my symptoms improving rapidly after day 11 of the forced isolation of 14 days. Within 3 days of taking my own medicines, and with the 14 days of covid imprisonment served, I signed myself out against their advice as I knew I was going to die in there.

On the cruel nurses, I experience two monsters amongst mostly nice but mostly "absent" nurses. One - called Vicky - actually left me to die. I was paralysed from the pain killers I had taken (endone), but was mentally awake, and had slid down the bed so the tubes I was attached to were around my neck and strangling me. This monstrous women was trying to do the normal observations, but I could not get my body to wake up to tell her what was wrong. I eventually managed to start thrashing my feet around. She was already angry with me because I had not woken up for her, and she was already shouting at me. When I started thrashing my feet around, she shouted, "what the hell is wrong with you?", and walked away and left me, still strangling on the tubes. Fortunately I got one of my arms back alive and was able to stick my fingers under the tubes to stop the strangulation and slowly the rest of my body woke up and I was able to get free of the tubes. This monstrous creature left me to die. I became afraid of the nights when she was on duty in case something else happened, so when I knew she was on duty, I kept myself awake all night and refused to take the pain killers in case the same thing happened again with her on duty.

In addition the food was indescribable. It was almost all manufactured pap, full of neurotoxins that I had severe reaction to when I ate. My total food intake each day was two Wheatbix, one hard boiled and peeled grey egg sliding around alone in a bowl, two slices of white bread with margarine, and one small bottle of milk for the Wheatbix. I begged a second bottle of milk. to see me through the day. I could not eat anything else without severe reactions to the neurotoxins in the food. The first evening meal after I arrived was a pile of white slop, next to a pile of orange slop and a pile of yellow slop. Many of these meals I did not try to eat. When I did see something that vaguely resembled food, I would try to eat it, only to taste the "salt" and know I would have a severe reaction. Even apparently fresh salad was soaked in something salty. In the two weeks I lost two clothes sizes and was painfully hungry.

In addition, although confined to bed, there was no physio to keep me active. They wanted to jab me with anti-coagulants, which I refused, but gave me no physio to keep my legs and arms, and so my blood, moving. I was too brain dead to realise this was a problem until the night I was thrashing around being strangled. After that I realised I could thrash my legs around to get some movement and exercise. I invented my own bed exercise of scissoring my legs alternated with stamping my feet, although I was too weak to do much of it. Often I was left for 7 or more hours between supposed meals and any sight of a nurse. I had to use bed pans and often I was left with a full bed pan that no-one came to take away - for hours. I asked for two bed pans so I had a backup which initially they refused (even though I had lost control of my bladder and bowels and was evacuating everything I consumed within minutes of consuming it.) I finally pressured enough nurses for a second bed pan, for one to eventually turn up so I no longer had to sit in my own shit to do a shit!

And let's not even mention the post hospital medical "care". Every doctor I have seen since then could be accused of malpractice, if I had the energy to do it. Since then I have accumulated my own emergency kit of things I can test myself with, and things I can take to avoid hospitalisation. It is easy to say, don't go to hospital but hard to resist the panic when you entire body has collapsed and you can't care for yourself. I did collapse once again and get taken to hospital despite my intention never to go again. This time I tested negative to covid and was left sitting in casualty for hours. Luckily the ambo had given me a jab to stop the virtually continuous vomiting and it worked. So after two hours of sitting in a wheelchair in agony, and being told I might have to wait another three or four hours to see someone, I got the nurses to call a cab for me, and went home. At least I had pain killers there to take and could lie down rather than sit, so I decided it was a better option. Later, I got a doctor to prescribe the drug the ambo had given me, that is apparently used for victims of chemo who cannot stop vomiting. It is sitting there ready for the next attack, along with a huge supply of pain killers and natural anti-biotics. Hopefully the next time it happens, if it happens again, I will have the courage to stay home and sit it out, prepared to die if that is what happens.

I am getting all worked up just writing this all down. Although I have recounted bits and pieces of this, It is the first time I have put the abuse side of thing all together like this.

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Oh Christine! I knew some of your story but not this level of details. In most countries, people who behaved like this would be found guilty of kidnapping, assault and worse. but when they do it in the medical professions, it's just "Standard of Care". If this happens again and I am told I need to go into hospital for ANY reason, I think I will just ask to be left to die with my family. What a situation we live in!

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I know no-one locally to take care of me, so I die alone if I die at home. It is hard not to panic and call the ambulance, given there is no such thing as after hours doctors or home visits any more. At least there is phone triage available when we make the 000 call, and if we do decide on an ambulance, the crews are normally kind, and they are very reluctant to take you to hospital. I now know I can ask them for help other than being taken to hospital although I am not sure what and how much treatment they are allowed to give if the are NOT taking you to hospital.

IT is a dire situation. We are, in EVERY way, abandoned. The title of my substack "Stepping Off the Edge of the World" does accurately describe how I am feeling. I have stepped into the void and there is nothing (apparently) to catch me. We are all going through that now, to a greater or lesser degree.

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Yes Meryl.

This is gold pure gold. Thank you for this.

Hippocrates Health Centre is wonderful and Elaine Hollingsworth's book "Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry is really helpful but what you have written today is pure gold. Thank you and Go Hippocrates!

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Thanks Robin - and Elaine was one of my favourite humans. I was lucky enough to have met her several times and worked with her too. The AVN sold her book and I have a copy that I am not getting rid of no matter what we do to downsize! I also loved her website, Doctors are Dangerous- https://doctorsaredangerous.com/ - which is still there, thank goodness! I actually thought of her when naming this section of my Substack - Why Doctors Wear Masks.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thank you for your work and I agree ....stay out of hospital your life depends on it. Find the good medical people - if you can and run for your life if you see the others coming.

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100% Kaylene. I read an article yesterday - I'm going to try and find it and share it on NOTES and here. It discusses how since the beginning of the scamdemic, people have redone their powers of attorney and their medical authorities. We did this at the very beginning ourselves - there was no way that either my husband or I wanted to be in hospital without someone we trusted and someone strong there to advocate for us if we couldn't do it ourselves. My nightmare is getting into an accident and being helpless at the hands of these criminals. God protect me from that ever happening! Until then, I will avoid hospitals and doctors like the plague!

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I completely agree. Hospitals are killing fields, I would avoid hospitals at all cost.

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