Infanrix hexa always used rDNA technology.

"produced in yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by recombinant DNA technology" https://au.gsk.com/media/6349/infanrix_hexa_pi_au.pdf

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

So a quick Dr Google returns this https://www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/What-is-Recombinant-DNA.aspx which is pretty basic but has other links. Seems to me this new juice may be an alternative to mRNA and I always considered the "m" to stand for "manufactured" RNA. Oh well a ton more reading to do again to get my brain up to speed on this process. Its pretty serious stuff, rDNA is covered by: the Gene Technology Act and Gene Technology Regulations.

Gotta love the Vaxelis web site, usual risk averse language with things like "Vaccination with VAXELIS may not protect all individuals." That is one get out of jail free card and then there is the safety info on the main page, Struth I would never give this to a child of mine.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Holy s...! This is beyond insane. Speechless.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Steve Kirsch has just come out with information that there is proof that the Panic Virus "vaccine" is adulterated. Apparently this means it must be withdrawn and compensation is payable to those affected.

It will be interesting to see where this goes in the USA and here, in cloud cuckoo land.

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I hope he is right. I know there are similar moves afoot in Australia. The indemnification is null and void if fraud is proven. And it won't be hard to prove fraud...

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

The rate of death for Vaxelis is terrible: 1/500 infants/toddlers died in their so-called US 'studies' (you know, where they mix and match against other vaccines and no-one ever does saline placebos?). They said the 6 deaths (0.2%) in the 2 US studies weren't related to Vaxelis, but the causes were supposedly SIDS, asphyxia, sepsis, unknown etc. To me, they are all attributable to vaccines!!!

Would YOU take something that has a 1/500 chance of death? And worse, would you give it to your helpless little BABY?!

Let me guess, parents aren't being told there's a 1/500 chance of their kid dying after having Vaxelis jabbed into them. No, they'll be told, if they're told anything at all, that it's not just perfectly safe but that it will SAVE their baby!

Humans do such bad, bad things to other humans, especially their progeny.

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It's a shocker, Robyn! The COVID jab is the culmination of nearly 250 years of mass murder by injection. They finally got it right, didn't they? And they are building on that success to make sure the children are also disposed of. Sounds terrible - but I believe it's the truth. These are sociopathic individuals who think that committing genocide is their calling.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

I can't find that it's an mRNA injection? I've been all over the Vaxelis website and read a lot! However, it may be that there is some information they have failed to give. But from what I can see, it's not an mRNA vat of poison. Just the usual vat of poison!


Supposedly this website was last updated 1st September 2023...so very recent.

Also, that .PDF you had the link to at the bottom DOES have Vaxelis on it.

Any chance you can dig further to find out if it really is mRNA?

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Not mRNA Robyn - but rDNA - different but still genetically modified. I'm just catching up with comments. I've seen that @Arkmedic is saying that this post is a hoax. Need to read what he wrote. But it is definitely an rDNA vaccine and it is also definitely untested. But ALL vaccines are untested.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

OK then. Thanks for the info. It just didn't say anywhere on the Vaxelis website or any of their paperwork that was available that it was genetically modified.

It's so hard to tell if these things are GM or not!!! Do you have a link that shows that it IS GM? Just for us all on here so we can read it for ourselves?

Of course, all vaccines are evil and horrible, so if people would just avoid them - period - then it matters not whether they're GM or not!

But it greatly concerns me that this is the 'new age' vaccine, which is even worse than its predecessor. I guess in another 20 years or so, when people of breeding age are so screwed up they can barely function, let alone breed, then maybe that epiphany will happen...maybe.

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Hi Robyn - I am trying to get my head around this as well. But from my reading - which is NOT extensive - by definition, rDNA - meaning Recombinant DNA - involves taking genes for 2 different sources and splicing them together which is genetic modification.

So if I'm right about this - and I would love someone who has more knowledge on this issue than I do to comment - that makes this a genetically modified vaccine.

And yes, my greatest fear is that we have messed up the world so badly in the last few years, the human race is simply doomed and won't be able to continue. If I didn't have children, it wouldn't upset me as much as I do.

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So I've been doing some researching as well and yes, recombinant DNA is the merging of two different genetics into a (living) host.

I don't want no splicing and dicing in the lab jabbed into me, thanks!

But it would seem that because I was IGNORANT enough to allow myself to be jabbed with the Hep B vaccine back in 2007 or something, I have indeed got spliced and diced crap in me:



My only hope is that perhaps my body has managed to rid itself of these poisons 16 years later. Who knows.


This study shows that 30 years after Hep B jabbing, 50% of Hep-B vaccinated people still had the bloody anti-HB (antibodies) circulating in their body! So this crap stays in the body a LONG time.

As an example closer to home, I unfortunately had the measles jabs as a kid, including an extra 'bad batch' dose (lucky me!) but I actually got measles in 2019, when I was 40. And it was not too long after I'd had a (very mild) case of shingles! Guess my general immunity was down then. Hmmm. Anyway, I guess whatever false antibodies were circulating in my body after my childhood measles jabs, they finally dropped off and left me a sitting duck come my early 40s. I was also exposed to measles just a year or two prior, but I didn't get it. Maybe I was fighting fit then, and not susceptible. Who knows. So anyway, I make it about 30 years between my last measles jab and my body ridding itself of false antibodies for it. Based on that, I guess I've got a while to go before this horrid Hep B crap gets out of me! :-(

The Hep B vaccines were the first vaccines to use rDNA - and that began in 1986. It's all gone downhill since then. So yes, anyone who's had the Hep B vaccines has rDNA in them - BUT I think the only good side of this is that rDNA can't make changes to your own DNA. And that's where the lipid layer in the covid jabs is so damned dangerous - because it allows whatever genetic poison they've put in these jabs to squeeze through into any cells, even your eggs or sperm-making cells, thus potentially being able to change the genetics of your offspring (as well as creating auto-immune disorders in jabbed people). That doesn't mean every little kid's genetics has been changed by their idiotic parents having these covid jabs prior to them being conceived, but I think there will be plenty of kids born from late 2021 who have altered genetics thanks to these mRNA jabs.

NO vaccine is safe. And it seems they're only getting more dangerous!

PS - I am also aware that viruses may not even exist, and that what people call 'measles' could just be a common cell breakdown that occurs when someone is unwell in a certain way, and things like Koplik spots or having diarrhoea and/or a rash and/or a fever, are mere pointers that the body is struggling and is trying to get rid of systemic garbage and get back to normal.

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Exactly Meryl, "all vaccines are untested". I so wish people would wake up and get off the vaccine train (ALL vaccines that is). The evidence for the dangers, the depopulation/money making agenda and the millions of vaccine injury testimonies over the years is undeniable.

Your patience is amazing, thank you for all that you do to inform people of the truth; especially for the sake of precious little ones. Your work truly helps; it helped me when I finally learned the truth about so called, "life saving vaccines". God bless you.

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Meryl please check your sources on this. I have good reason to believe that this is a false story. It has all the hallmarks

(1) anon source with no documentary verification

(2) attempts to verify fail

(3) tracking the original documentation fails to confirm the claim

(4) the purpose is to bury an underlying story which is likely to be that the fact that there are 6 vaccines in one, and there is no option in Australia to obtain separate vaccinations.

Here is the relevant section from the PDS:

VAXELIS (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus,

Haemophilus b Conjugate and Hepatitis B Vaccine) is a sterile suspension for intramuscular


Each 0.5 mL dose is formulated to contain 15 Lf diphtheria toxoid, 5 Lf tetanus toxoid, acellular

pertussis antigens [20 mcg detoxified pertussis toxin (PT), 20 mcg filamentous hemagglutinin

(FHA), 3 mcg pertactin (PRN), 5 mcg fimbriae types 2 and 3 (FIM)], inactivated polioviruses

[29 D-antigen units (DU) Type 1 (Mahoney), 7 DU Type 2 (MEF-1), 26 DU Type 3 (Saukett)],

3 mcg polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP) of H. influenzae type b covalently bound to 50 mcg of

the outer membrane protein complex (OMPC) of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B, and

10 mcg hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Each 0.5 mL dose contains 319 mcg aluminum

from aluminum salts used as adjuvants.

Other ingredients per 0.5 mL dose include <0.0056% polysorbate 80 and the following residuals

from the manufacturing process: ≤14 mcg formaldehyde, ≤50 ng glutaraldehyde, ≤50 ng bovine

serum albumin, <5 ng of neomycin, <200 ng streptomycin sulfate, <25 ng polymyxin B sulfate,

≤0.125 μg ammonium thiocyanate and ≤0.1 mcg yeast protein (maximum 1% relative to HBsAg


Source document here


Source document is verifiable against the TGA site.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write - I love your Substack! :-)

My question is - the author wrote that this is an rDNA vaccine. It is that indeed. I don't really understand what that means other than that it's genetically modified.

I need to check if other HepB containing shots are also rDNA.

Are you saying that this is NOT an rDNA shot?

The link I shared to the TGA shows that it contains rDNA as part of the Hep B portion and that there is something called a Black Triangle (never heard of it before - it sounds a lot like the US Black Box warning) that requires the manufacturer to note the presence of rDNA in the prescribing information - among other things.

It is a scandal that as multivalent vaccines are licensed, the monovalent shots are removed from distribution. Though with this, there was only a 3-in-1 option for many years since the old DT stopped being available.

I'm not sure which part of this post is not true - if it's easier, feel free to contact me at admin at myinformedchoice dot com dot au

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OK I think I know what's happened.

The link you shared to the TGA is this one I believe


Further down the page it says "Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA)" as part of the 6-valent vaccine.

I am reasonably sure that the TGA has clumsily referred to the established recombinant DNA vaccine (Engerix-B)


The terminology is unfortunate because my understanding is that Engerix is a protein, derived from recombinant DNA technology (DNA is used to produce the protein). So it should be designated a recombinant protein vaccine (not rDNA, which can also indicate ribosomal DNA to confuse things further - it's definitely not that).

Engerix does have the risk of plasmid DNA contamination but in the absence of a transfection agent (LNP or saponin) this should be negligible risk because foreign DNA is destroyed by the body in the absence of a transfection agent.

So, I don't think there is anything new in this product. Please request clarification from the TGA as despite their issues they will usually respond quickly to such a claim.

Then the question is - why has this junk story been seeded through these groups. That is really important to get to the bottom of.

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Wow - thank you so much! How could they possibly make such a rookie mistake? Unless it's not a mistake and this is some new technology they've used. I will write to the TGA today and ask for an urgent clarification. The reason I think this might be a new technology is that they have specifically requested that this be on the package insert for the next 5 years. But who knows with them? There often seems to be no rhyme or reason. I appreciate your getting back to me. Be back as soon as I hear from them.

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"Then the question is - why has this junk story been seeded through these groups. That is really important to get to the bottom of."

Very perceptive comment. If it is a false story, one should question where it came from & what its purpose was.

I believe during the height of the social media censorship, lockdowns etc that some false information/stories were seeded into so called conspiracy groups (probably by government/corporate information warfare units), hoping they would be amplified, in order to give justification to the clamping down of "misinformation" & "disinformation". An industry code against such misinformation was the first step, but it lead to the misinfo/disinfo bill.

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Correct. This was exemplified in the Macartney $65m grant scandal. When we exposed it they created a fake story around her deposition

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Just when you think that our opposition can't possibly get more dishonest or evil, they double down. Accountability is essential!

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Here you are, this is the ABC record of the story.


The original release is preserved on Gab.


The original release on my twitter feed was taken down because the plaintiff's legal team in Kassam was threatened by the government.

Within 24 hours the Mike Palmer story was pushed out and then discredited.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Scary what is being done to children via vaccines, & how they are produced. Vaxelis is listed in the Commonwealth document linked to. Under vaccine brand for the 2 month shots it lists Infanrix or Vaxelis.

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You are right! I was looking for it on its own line - not next to Infanrix. Thanks for pointing that out. I wonder if that is another way they are using to hide the fact that they started using this shot?

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My baby had one dose of this vaccine and i had no idea it was this one and how bad. Im worried sick. Im obviously not gonna get anymore but im freaking out about it. Do you think one dose is enough to cause major harm to my perfect baby boy😭😭💔💔

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I don't believe in fear-based decisions. Most parents give vaccines to their children because they have been put in a state of fear over the infection the jab is meant to prevent.

You as a parent need to make calm, informed choices for your children and yourself.

That means getting clear answers to the following questions:

1- Is the vaccine necessary? Is the infection/infections it's meant to prevent really so dangerous that I need to think about prevention rather than treatment? And what are the chances my child will contract the infection anyway?

2- Is the vaccine effective? Where is the evidence that the vaccine will actually give my child immunity? And is the evidence from strong, scientific studies or from marketing flyers funded by the companies that make and profit from the jabs?

3- Is the vaccine safe? What is the rate of reactions and deaths from the jab rather than from the infection itself? And are reactions being accurately tracked by the government?

Unless and until you can answer YES to all of those questions, you really need to ask yourself why you are vaccinating?

As for the risk to your child - hopefully they won't have any issues, but even 1 jab can cause permanent harm. It most certainly does not do that to every child, but it can. If you are concerned, I would suggest contacting a good natural therapist to discuss your treatment options.

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