
Worldwide unity, see above website. Inspiring to see people all over the world make a stand. When you look at the map of Australia there are only two events so far and it is 4 weeks away. Just shows how Australians just stand back and let it all happen, they just want to get on with their lives and will wonder one day, when we have lost all freedom and are under the control of the one world Government "how did this all happen?". Also check out stopworldcontrol.com if you feel like going down a big rabbit hole and seeing how bad things really are.

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Thank you very very much for your hard work and your honesty in your Work Will be Blessed and Reworded by Lord

We mast defeated New Hitler Nazis Gestapos political Mafia before we are Defeated

International Political idiots Mafias mast be Defeated With God’s blessings

My Prayers Are to The World to see and Hear Good News for All Planet Earth Down with International Political idiots Mafias for Good

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Well said. I returned from living overseas about 8 yrs ago and it felt like i was in some dystopian time warp. I called it “ The land of the marshmallows “. - soft, malleable and lethargic. Recruiters wouldn’t recognise my overseas experience. It took a long time to “start again” in my experienced field. It was like I walked into an exclusive club where everyone moved and evolved at EXACTLY the same pace - no new ideas thanks, we’re comfortable.

When they banned raw milk in Victoria over one i incident that was never concluded I was screaming to everyone at how their right to choose was so easily taken away.

No budge.

To the woman below claiming immigration caused this - yes and no. Yes because they brought in lots of money and the middle class wasn’t used to being so wealthy (fatten the pig). No because if the values were so strong before the immigrants arrived they would be absorbed into it. It’s not. Just go and and see the world to know what i mean.

My parents came from Europe in the 60s . That was an excellent merging. It brought decent food that became synonymous with Melbourne culture. Now you have decent coffee to drink.

Australia has never invested deeply in IP. Our simple approach to wealth was home ownership more and more of it. If we invested in ideas we would have “created” a culture that moved on from scrappy convicts and greedy gold miners. We celebrate war and its heros (absolutely) but how about more on spirit. We have a public holiday for horse gambling!!!!! How many times can i watch John Farnham at grand final?! Seriously, Ita still going?

Time for Aussies to look at how we got here. As much as I’ve tried to come together with others to co create, lamenting appears to be the topic of the BBQ.

And yet….sometimes hitting the skids can provide a terrific platform for new life. I’m holding onto this. I really believe it. Because yes, underneath the lethargy is a solid spirit of pushing back. But to fix it, i feel we need to face it.

It’s a 12 step process.

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My parents were immigrants in the 50s but there was so much opportunity and heaps of land and housing available, cannot compare to the times now where we have a very serious housing crisis.

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There’s no housing shortage, theres mismanagement of incentives. Are you aware of the amount of empty AurBnb houses? To my point, the incentives on home ownership have exceeded any other form of wealth management. Homes are about extra income. Do you know anyone with more than one home? I do, many. In Castlemaine where I lived, I arrived in 2014 with 7 airbnb’s. I heard about one couple recently owning 70 homes, just for airbnb guests. The government is actually creating a new disincentive as we speak with airbnb owners - lets see what happens…

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Please see my reply to @KoalaPower below. I don't disagree with you on government incentives - they are part of the problem. But since taxation is theft and the government does nothing good with our money anyway, I would like to see all incentives and tax breaks go away along with all taxation. But making money out of rental properties is not a crime or a sin. If we didn't have a socialist system in Australia, more people would be able to afford their 1/4 acre and house as they did 50 years ago. And if we didn't have the government manipulating the banking sector and the weather, we wouldn't have a shortage of houses either. This is all planned.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Sure. I think we’re both on the same page (ultimately, being here). My point to house ownership went off track. The main point being that we, as a nation, put out concept of wealth creation in one basket. That makes us an easy target to control, incentivise and so on. Aussies have lost their spirit of taking up “arms”. I don’t mean violence but pushing back on values and deciding how we want to develop community, lifestyle, commodity. We have shifted governance to leadership (read Victoria as nanny state). I also had a business in alternative health and got to observe people from that viewpoint. What happened to our culture that we just got walked over??? My guess? Easy, quick money. When you’re self made you know how to take the reins, when it’s empty valued wealth (value of homes), you are handcuffed to the beast that feeds you. I grew up in 80s Melbourne. Something happened from then to now….Thanks for the discourse, more like this.

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These are all really appropriate questions to ask on Anzac Day of all days! In the 1940s and 1950s (and earlier for WW I), Australians marched into war against incredible odds. Many of them didn't come home but they took the chance and did what they felt was right - regardless of my personal opinion of why those wars were fought, they were so brave and filled with valour. Today's men and women are the complete opposite in so many ways. Worried about words hurting them and terrified of an invisible boogie man because some talking head on the TV told them to be scared. It is crazy how quickly this happened!

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Yes we have many houses empty, some are holiday houses only used once or twice a year. I have an airbnb next door, lucky it does not get rented much, usually only main holidays. The couple you heard about that owns 70 homes must be doing very well, with no concern about the homeless. The other problem we have is real estate agents pushing rents up. I live in a coastal tourist town, things have dramatically changed, old houses pulled down to build large office looking houses too. Lived in the area for over 20 years and it has never been this bad.

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Agreed on rents. How convenient for it all to blow up during the pandemic. A part of me is horrified and another part impressed by the planning going on to effect their agenda. Slowly, slowly herding us towards a controlled passageway. All bases, seemingly, covered and all in minute steps because they know they are minority. If only the majority would “see”. It’s amazing how low we might let ourselves sink.

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A lot of people moved out of the cities because of the lockdowns and pushed regional rents up, I know in our area full of holiday houses, they all moved in and many low income people renting had to move out including me, when they sold the house I rented for 15 years. Owners struggling with their business in the city so sold their investment, to city people wanting to renovate house for themselves. This happened to many people, was a nightmare to secure another rental, during restrictions too. One stage could not even go to look at houses, only applying online. Real Estate agents just kept pushing rents up with the demand. Yep people are not waking up quick enough and many do not know what to do. Simple thing I have done is gone back to paying cash for everything, small business people love it, no fee's.

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I have to be honest, if I could afford to purchase rental properties, I would do so too. I am very much a libertarian and think that we need to take care of our community without the interference of government. They (the government) never do anything good anyway. They give 1 thing with 1 had and take 10 away with the other. If Albo weren't planning on bringing 600,000 migrants into Australia when we don't have the facilities for them; if he and Scomo hadn't geoengineered major floods and fires in the last 2 years; if the banking system hadn't manipulated interest rates over this time period, we would not be in the crisis we're currently seeing. People have a right to use their capital to earn money. It is the government's policies and interference that cause the issues we are currently seeing. That's my .02 cents :-)

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Yep all engineered to keep the rich rich and get the middle class poor. Easier to control poor and desperate people. Watched a program recently where the Indigenous people warned the white people when they started buliding in flood prone areas but that kept building. So easy for the Government to flood these areas more often and more severe when they are already known for flooding. Also recently saw a video how they are trying to say there is are birds of prey spreading the fires, so smart they are they pick up fire sticks and drop them to chase out wildlife for their food. Never ceases to amazes me what lengths some people go to divert the blame.

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Also amazes me how many people will believe off-the-wall theories like that!

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The French have held their cultural integrity and their values tightly and are not willing to let go. I felt this sense of “One” at some of the rallies and I think we need to view these years as the marathon, and it is up to each and every one of us to continue the fight daily - by using cash, speaking up in all the moments - with strangers or family & friends; supporting business that shares similar values, mocking those companies / news outlets that continue the narrative, bringing like minded people together and encouraging each other. Standing by watching from afar and not participating drives me NUTS!

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Viva La France. I wish the same would happen here. People weren’t interested in hearing about Dr Phillip Altman who ran at our local election. They just turn away from any talk of jab injuries. As I drive around and see more and more surveillance surreptitiously appearing, I wonder what happened to the Sydney and the Australia I grew up in. What will be the thing that gets them angry enough to protest? The French have always been good at pushing back.

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Problem is, there is nothing for us to rebel against at this exact moment. I am tired of being told to resist. I resisted while there was something tangible to resist, in that I refused the jab, refused the masks, refused the tests and refused the lockdown. But that simply meant I was alone. ALL the shops, ALL the medicos, ALL the clubs, everyone else complied. So while others were allowed to shop and sit in restaurants or see health professionals, I was not. That is all over for now, but do I expect Australians to resist next time? On past evidence, no, I don't.

The French solution requires humour and spirit and intelligence, and a sense of togetherness, of shared purpose, which are features of a strong and proud culture such as France. In Australia, we no longer have a strong and proud culture. So, yes, we already have the country we deserve, and we deserve it because we allowed our pride in this wondrous land to be destroyed.

I wish I could find some simple way to focus energies. But I cannot even keep myself engaged.


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Boy oh boy do I feel you girl! I can’t help but hope that the next time the government puts this on, more people will resist. I could be living in a fool’s Paradise, I don’t know? But I just have to hope.

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Meryl, this is going to sound racist, but this is not the Australia it was before two things happened. First we were influxed with the highest rate of immigration in the world. These people, wonderful though they may be, are NOT Australians. So there is no cultural homogeneity. They don't like us. They don't value our culture.

Second, white Australians have been under merciless assault for many years now just for being white. Every time we turn on the TV, if we are silly enough to still do that, we see ourselves being insulted and hated and abused. There is nothing showing our country and our people in a good light. It is all denigration for the crime of being white. The involvement we once felt with this country - or at least, that I once felt with this country, has been driven out of us, particularly English speaking white immigrants like myself. I used to love Australia. Unfortunately I would now leave if I had anywhere else to go.

We have to find Australia again, and redefine what it means to be Australian, if we are to resist the slave society being implemented by the global elites. How do we do that?

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I believe the quintessential 'Aussie' that we have shown to the world has blond hair, blue eyes, likes to surf, enjoys a beer (or 10!), has a good SOH, plenty of mates, enjoys a BBQ and works reasonably hard during the week, but lazes around all weekend. Now we try to be more PC and say we put lamb on the BBQ instead of sausages....!

But anyway, eventually people like that don't get invited to parties because they stand for nothing and eventually become...boring. They get fat in middle-old age, they keep telling the same old stories. They have nothing new in their lives and nothing to live for.

You're right. We absolutely DO have to redefine what it means to be Australian!!

So is it 'young and free'? We're an ageing society and we're definitely not free.

Are our homes 'girt by sea'? What about rural Australia?

Is our 'wealth for toil'? For the corporate multinationals, sure!

I think we are lost, Christine. We need to get rid of 90% of the politicians we have today, and find new ones. We need to also get rid of 90% of the population that stand for the old and dead Australia and get new ones - or we need to somehow brainwash that already-brainwashed 90% and get them to see Australia in a different light!

I've lived in Australia all my life, with plenty of lineage going back multiple generations in this country. But I, too, feel lost in this country. If there was a better place to move to, I'd be doing it. But right now, there's not. The world is in a state of flux, and MANY things need to be sorted out.

I am unsure how to 'find' Australia again, but I sure know it needs to be done.

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Love it yes I’m 71 and agree come on Aussie . ❤️👏👏

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This is brilliant! Come on Aussie!

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This is how it's done! Let's roll

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