I can’t help but think back to three years ago when we, here in our family, believed that the first plandemic was a trial run to see just how far they could go with fear driven compliance. The backup plan is on its way it appears now (so much for the “small window” bonny King Charlie).

So many are now sensing this next plandemic phase to be the case, but after previously following the CCP model of lockdowns etc., which have been proven to be useless in all aspects, I won’t put it past the governments and the appropriate invested interests to try this on us all once again - with terror driven rhetoric. Oh and the money, let’s not forget that incentive.

In my travels, locally, I’m amazed how many people were badly duped, still are, makes me sad for them, and feeling like they’ve really entered Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone - I know others commenting elsewhere have voiced the same concerns. People are on edge, either waiting for another unseen sword of Damocles to fall or trying desperately to act as though “it’s all over”. The others I know who held out like we did against the jabs seem further emboldened, which is good, though I think we all sense shaky ground beneath the veneer of a crippled, unsteady certainty.

For those of us who have faith, it just got a little more testing. Faith isn’t faith though, until it’s all you’re holding onto. Courage and blessings to us all!

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The Great COVID Retest questions are being seriously dumbed down for the terminally dim, aren't they?


I think Disease X is going to be caused by eggs. Which sound like X!

Or maybe it will be a sexual disease as 'sex aides' is an anagram of Disease X.

Or Germany, the home of germ theory as 'Axis seed' is another anagram and big pharma is essentially Germanic in origin.


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Another Con pushed by Pharma Companies, Politicians, Unelected Elites and Media who are all for Control and lack of Freedom. Still when you look at the fact there are Government Depts, businesses and organisations that are still asking for anyone connected with them to be fully vaccinated what ever that's suppose to mean now you can bet there will be those who will be gullible enough to be conned by this.

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The conspiracy against the unjabbed continues in earnest, the means to try to keep us with less financial power.

Luckily it only takes real power to rise up, get a general strike going and end the goddam madness.

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Do they really think that we are so gullible . I pray that someone takes these insane idiots out for good I don’t care how just do it then our world will be safe .😡🙏😘

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"Do they really think that we are so gullible". Yes they do, at least that some people are. I call it all The Great COVID Retest. Questions get progressively easier to compensate for increase in the latest variant of Stupidity.


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What a total scam. Please tell me people won’t fall for the next circus…🙄

A friend in the UK says she is noticing how more and more people are walking around looking totally vacant after having the jabs and boosters.

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Tedros takes his wife to get tested for the new "deadly" disease X.

2 days later he gets a call from the lab.

Doctor: I'm terribly sorry to inform you Sir that your wife's test results have unfortunately been mixed up with another patient's. Now we're not sure if she has disease X or Alzheimer's disease.

Tedros: You damned useless eater, so what am I supposed to do now?!

Doctor: Well, I'd recommend taking her for a long walk and leaving her there, if she finds her way back home don't open the door.

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Wasn’t that outbreak planned for 2025... I guess that’s fairly timely, considering they’re banking on getting the WHO big-daddy health status for us all by the end of next year.

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Disease X that is so non inclusive and all the other letters of the alphabet must be deeply offended, oppressed and demanding a "Voice" because the name was coined by a man of colour in a white dominated leftist organisation. How could that be!

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Perhaps Disease X will go for eXtinction Rebellion supporters. The symptoms will be spots as X marks the spot!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thanks for the trackside update, Meryl.....

(All clear Race 1, correct weight the winner is

Bunchaprix, fresh out of the Morrison stables)

Crossing now to Race 2 at Flemington, now known as the 'Andrews Handicap', and by Christ, never has a more fitting race name been given, symbolising the Andrews' stables gifts to the people of Victoria.

It's a steeple chase, and I've never seen so many stewards with blankets and shot guns at the ready. And theyre just for the trainer......

We'd like to bring you the results of The Pfizer Stakes, but all 17 horses and jockeys dropped dead at the starting gates....

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Excellent. Regarding stewards, are these 'bar stewards' like Danny 'boy' Andrews? :)


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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Absolute Gold Baldmichael!🤣

Awesome work.

I'd love to see Monty Python's movie of Danny Boy's illustrious career.

'Life of Dan' perhaps?

Well, he certainly is NOT the Messiah!......

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But he IS a naughty little boy! LOL

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Oh, that is brilliant Darren! I can hear the caller in my head speaking your words. 😜

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We could do a whole Race program, Meryl. 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄

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Wonderful. The bastards are making death look brighter than living as a medically-driven slave. But that will fail. I don’t think fear is a good life strategy. The people of the world are dropping their fear of the stupid evil ones rapidly. Striking fear into the Weffers, the obidenites. covidians, socialist wokeass governments. Watch the 4ring circus unfold: enjoy the absurd humour emanating from the wokesters and budlighters as Nascar’s tires go flat, the WHO goes down, the War of Lies fails, Macron and Trudeau crash and burn. And escape from the places they desperately tried to destroy. 🚚🚚🚚🚜🚜🚜🇨🇦🇺🇸🇳🇱🌎❤️🙏🏽

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I really hope you're right. It's hard for me to imagine anyone being dumb enough to fall for this again. But there are still far too many watching TV...

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