Means you need more guns

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May 23Liked by Meryl Dorey

Digital ID is a global initiative of the BIS, WEF. No digital ID, no pension, no bank a/c, etc. Residents in Western countries will be digitised first, other countries to follow in time. Remember when Bob Hawke tried to bring in a national ID card.

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Yes, I remember that. And as an American who had a Social Security card - basically from birth - I didn't really know what the problem was. Now I do! And if you haven't seen it yet, there is a Substack I published a few days ago from an Aussie living in Iceland where digital ID has been a thing for a while. . It is frightening and instructive. Here's the link.


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May 22Liked by Meryl Dorey

Things done in the name of the common good are always a worry. Avoid them if you can for as long as possible.

Good article.

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Thanks so much!

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Hi Meryl, is there a meeting in Brisbane this Saturday before the gathering to discuss stuff? Leigh H

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Dear Elena.

Sorry about my writing Malcolm Fraser, I meant Malcolm Turnbull. Mia Culpa.


Richard Neville.

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Dear Elena,

Many thanks for your clear and erudite letter of the 18th of May 2024. What Quislings I allege Bob Hawke, Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser et al were in doing the wicked deeds they did to Australia and her peoples’ absolutely Disgusting !

Richard Neville, (of the family Leschen ) Student of Common Law.

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Outstanding post!

The future for all Western countries if we don't get busy disrupting their plans, no privacy at all....


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There will be pundits, pollies, and posers, who will bark the inevitable and meaningless question, 'why are you worried, what do you have to hide?' Every time there is a proposal or law around banking, security, privacy and so on, the 'what are you hiding?' question is invoked.

Although this juvenile, burden-proof switching question can be dismissed, allow me to answer the question with a question.

Do you think government can go too far? We accepted the confiscation of of our guns; mandatory, experimental drugs; clamp downs on free speech, and lockdowns. Most people not only accepted these things but thought them beneficial. I suspect digital ID will be the same. But to the supporters I reitarate my question, can the government go too far or will you accept everything?

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It looks like we will need to REVOLT!

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Sweden is also already lost - cunningly named “Bank ID” when it came out many years ago, as in Iceland it started with bank serviced but now you can’t even signup for a supermarkets special offers without signing in with your ID…

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Dear Readers,

This new and stupid Identity Certificate rushed through the Australian Parliament without any challenging discussion or dissent is a travesty.

It’s a stupid Communistic idea passed by gutless and woke Labor politicians in Canberra and their woke and weak willed lick-spittle gutless mates. It is the same type of thing that Austrian despot and madman Herr Hitler brought in before the Second World War.

Then every German had to produce their up to-date Fahrer Scheins = Travel Passes on demand by Hitler’s Politzei, = Police.

I say to all of you, “Don’t let this I allege to be Pinko Lick-Spittle Anthony knock-knees Albanese and I allege to be suck-hole to the present Chinese Communist leader tell you what to do !

I call all of you Australians, please never adopt the new proposed Australian I. D. = new proposed and dictatorial troublesome Identity certificate.

l allege that Anthony Albanese is a weak-willed and seemingly useless Prime Minister.

If we are to become an even stronger nation we need to sack weak-willed Anthony knock-knees Albanese. Therefore, never let this I allege to be weak willed Prime Minister dictate to you !

For You, The Australians people are the Government of Australia and not our seemingly quisling Anthony knock-knees Albanese !


Richard Neville of ( the family Leschen )

Student of Common Law ! 🥹🤨🧐😄

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Sad news they have been collecting and collating our data for years. The legislation was just legitimising it .

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Yes Julia,

You are correct ! At least your and my eyes are 🥹 wide open thank goodness !!


Richard Neville.

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This began back in 2015 as a request from Malcolm Turdbull.

In 2021 the Liberal Government drafted the Trusted Digital Identity Bill 2021 (now known as Digital ID Bill), and first introduced to Parliament on 21 November 2021 but was not introduced because of the May 2022 election but one of their election platforms was an ‘expansion of the Digital Identity System’.

The ALP didn’t announce an election position on the digital identity bill, they took it off the table as it knew it would be a hot election issue.

The plan to sell Australia emerged in 1974 but the program started earlier this plan of surrender and restructure Australia took shape from 1989 to join The New Economic International Order and continues today.

In 1973, Gough Whitlam also signed Australia over to the foreign UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of Australia to “foreign powers”, head office Rome.

In 1986 Bob Hawke took away our English Common Law and changed it to “Common Law of Australia” where we have not rights

• Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1988 No 120

He also brought in the Australian ACT 1986 WITHOUT a referendum or getting consent from the Australian people.

• Australian Act 1986 Act

The two-party cabal AKA the uni-party have worked together for decades to destroy Australia and take us down the path to Communism.

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I wonder if signing up to the Royal Registry de Jure would help. Has anyone looked into this?


Along with Living In Private LIP

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There are 2 distinct jurisdictions:

1. The legal jurisdiction which came into existence in the late 1920's when the Commonwealth of Australia was put into receivership as a result of the contrived financial emergencies.

Only legal fictions exist therein and those people who chose to present as such.

2. The original ( also known as the equitable ) jurisdiction, where the people formed a body politic called the Commonwealth of Australia and agreed that the laws governing that body politic was to be what is known as the Constitution (not to be confused with the Constitution of Australia where the fictional sovereign is the legal entity known as the King of Australia).

This proposed Digital Identity law only pertains to the legal jurisdiction and will only have force over those people who have elected to present as a fictional legal entity.

Those people who have established standing in the original jurisdiction are exempt and in fact have the option to claim their biometric identity as their personal property and thus prohibit its unauthorised use.

Using trusts and the law of equity they can control a fictional entity that can partake in the legal jurisdiction without being bound to the laws of the same.

Didn't one of the Rockefellas say that the key to success was to own nothing but control everything ?

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Where are these so called nations of freedom and privacy. I thought most of them are in on the agenda.

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Christians are standing with the Jews tomorrow in Melbourne Christians will be making a stand called NEVER AGAIN MARK LEACH A MESSIANIC JEW WHO LOST FAMILY IN THE HOLOCAUST ID ORGANISING THE NEVER AGAIN campaign he will be visiting churches he has a Web site NEVER AGAIN

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All that I wish is that I die on my feet, fighting them to the death. They will rule only my dead body.

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I will stand beside you to the bitter end. May many, many others take the same stance. 'They' have no power but what we give them.

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And it's not hyperbole either. I fantasise about the ending of V for Vendetta, where a million unarmed citizens walk calmy towards the the Tyranny's soldiers.

But I really, really, REALLY refuse to be injected by any WHO damned Australian schill, some minion of the utterly compromised medical "establishment ". And I will NOT be sheperded into any concentration camp either...

They have Powers to abuse us, who believes they will not?

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