Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Amy Kobuchar is calling for the takedown of Rumble & Substack. FYI. You may want to have a backup plan such as a website to email your newsletter from or something. Just in case. They want full censorship while they destroy our country.

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I don't know who that is to be honest, but you make a good point. I can actually download the email addresses of all my substack subscribers (can't do that on Rumble as far as I know - anyone have any ideas?) but I might set up an email list just in case... thank you! And thank you for sharing your story too, Denise. I'm so sorry that your family went through that pain and I'm glad that your son improved though he does have ongoing issues. Mine too - doctors have so much to answer for...

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Yes! This is awful & completely insane. I made the mistake of relenting to pressure from the pediatrician 27 yrs. ago. I was not wanting vaccines, & was very apprehensive about it all. The doctor worked on me for a while. Telling me the “benefits outweigh the risks”. He totally coerced me into allowing the MMR at 10 months old. This vaccine isn’t supposed to be given till 12 months or older. My son had a bad reaction, to our horror. He had a high fever spike, & seizures. His seizures continued for 5 yrs. They finally faded away, but he is now with Aspergers Syndrome. He is high functioning & very intelligent, being home schooled & all, but still has social anxiety & awkwardness. I never took him back to any doctor after that time period. The neurologist & the pediatrician who gave the MMR vaxx both agreed it was an adverse Vaxx reaction. Neither of them reported it to VAERS! We were dismissed & minimized in our concerns. We spent thousands on therapy for him. Out of pocket! His whole childhood was a challenge, but he turned out well, despite it all. I wish I would’ve spent more efforts on detoxing him from the heavy metals & other stuff. It’s so sad to see parents still trusting pediatricians who push these bio weapons on the children. They’re evil!!!!

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That's awful. Is the little boy yelling 'no milkshake for me'? Like he was bribed to be good but is now hurting and distressed that he won't get the bribe. Bad mum gggrrr

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I didn't really hear that but I couldn't make out many of the words.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

That point is excellent, obvious, and timely. Still Meryl i t really needs to be made as the attempt to normalize myocarditis in children is everywhere. As you know its worse... Sick kids brought to us by the medical cartel. How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor by prominent Pediatrician Dr. Mendlesohn is decades old. Full text available online.

Needs a revival as the truth is the truth...

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100% it is!

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Agreed dear Meryl, its Agendas 2021, 2030 & 2050 DePop go figure the lol New World Order is same as the Old World Order.

A One World Order

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

This just makes me sick.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

It’s my eternal regret I didn’t listen to my gut instinct. Now I’m about to become a grandmother and I’m terrified 😢

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I know how you feel. We had our instincts beaten out of us by the indoctrination system. But we need to get them back.

They are far more accurate than any so-called science doctor try to sell us.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Yes, Meryl.

Have you seen a Tigress, lately?

Try getting near her babies without her permission and see how that works out.....

But by firstly demonising men and now women to the point where men if they stand up are labelled misogynist and women have to concede their spaces to unstable males, it's another role out of their model.

Destroy the Queen, Destroy the King and the rest will fall into line.....

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What I can't get over Darren is the number of parents who will choose money over their child's wellbeing.

This may sound really harsh, but when No Jab No Pay came in, I know many families who chose to vaccinate children who had already had previous reactions because they had to work and 'couldn't afford' to stay home and take care of their kids.

Some of those kids were seriously ill afterwards. I just don't get it. How can we not protect our precious babies?

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It took 18 months to fall pregnant with my daughter in 1994. And then the little minx nearly died in labour.

I held her and said 'not for all the gold or all the silver will trade you.'

I had no idea back then about the criminal misconduct surrounding vaccine poisoning.

If I had known, I would have gone full Ned Kelly.....

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

God Bless all those who stand in harms way and endure the ridicule and abuse of truly ignorant and arrogant persons to protect our children, all of them including from their ill-informed and ignorant parents. The discussion with a colleague went like this: So, did you do your own due diligence, did you obtain and scrutinize all the pre-licensing data and [so-called] safety trials? No, because it doesn't make any difference. If we don't vaccinate them they can't go to Kinder, to Childcare to... So, you were coerced into vaccinating your children? Yes and they're completely healthy. I had nothing more to say or express at that point.

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Oh yes! And if you were to continue and say - it's great that they're so healthy. Do they have any food or environmental allergies? Asthma? Eczema? The answer will be a sheepish silence. I virtually guarantee it!

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You are exactly right, it was not different 35 years ago, now its front row and center.

What is interesting is that the medical cartel made the kool aid and most drank and asked for refills. An increasing # of renegade MD's have adamently exposed their own.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey


Bring her back.

Humanity is defeated without her.💝

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

If I never did anything good as a mother, at least I didn't let a single needle puncture my daughter's skin. It is beyond horrific how utterly brainwashed almost everyone is on this topic.

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100% it is! The only upside is that once you've seen the truth - you can't unsee it.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Yes where is the common sense gone

I am so lucky cause my mum had such a

switched on mind and knew we have a strong natural immune system so we never had a vaccine in our life

I was born in 1949 and Yes 74 years old and enjoy good health thanks to our mum

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Wonderful, Yvonne! You are a lucky woman with a very smart mum! Way ahead of her time.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Yes she certainly was way ahead of her time

Very lucky


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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

We are being poisoned daily by additives in the water and food they are not telling us what’s happening and poisoning by injection and we are blind to that ban doctors never take your kid to one they are being paid to maim and make mire customers for their non working pills making us sicker

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i always think about that wonderful Robert Mendelssohn book - How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor. And he should know because he was a paediatrician. He said - if you want a healthy child, never ever take them to a doctor. He was pretty well right, too!

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Drs have become servants of the 'state' operating as prescribers as opposed to being healers. They are also subject to disciplinary action if they speak other than 'the official narrative' and this includes informing patients of published peer reviewed science if it is contrary to the official narrative. Medicine has been corrupted over a long period. The example is motor vehicles. Do you remember how safe the 'safe according to the manufacturers' cars of the 60's were? It was not until the advent of independent (as independent as it can be) vehicle safety testing that safety was a 'requirement' of motor vehicle design.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Their business model is one of sickness, not wellness.

Let's face it, there's no money if our children lead unencumbered, healthy lives.

And no business trips to Hawaii for the prescribing leeches.

Damn them.

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You Want To Vaccinate My Child? Just Sign This Form

By Dave Mihalovic | Prevent Disease

¨You Want To Vaccinate My Child? Just Sign This FormI have yet to meet a Physician that will sign this form now downloaded by hundreds of parents. The reason they won’t sign is two-fold: First, they do not want to place themselves in a vulnerable position of being negligent for not providing informed consent to thousands of other parents; and second, many of them realize after their own extensive research that the risks far outweigh any benefits when it comes to vaccination.

It’s been over a year since hundreds of parents have downloaded this form and there are still no reports of any signatures. Many physicians won’t even look at the form while they dismiss a parent’s anti-vaccination stance as ridiculous. The behavior is a clear indication of a very misinformed Physician who does not have his or her patient’s best interests at heart. They are not willing to inform their patients of the risks, only the benefits they feel are acceptable. They are not open-minded to any other side of the debate except their own bias view passed down through the medical system....¨ Read More


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