
If any are still believing that vaccines actually something good the link above should easily dispel this . Don't take any vaccine ever again.

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For God and Country

when the 'King' deserves to hang for Treason it is the People's duty to rise to restore natural law !!!

My sincere gratitude for all your research and love and time invested , may those macadamias grow BIG and abundant :)

and to make your day , I picked that up somewhere lately

Through action a man or woman becomes a Hero.

Through death a Hero becomes a Legend.

Through time a Legend becomes a Myth.

And by learning from the Myth , a man or woman takes Action

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When are people going to wake up and realise doctors are drug dealers for Big Pharma. That is their job. They do not care about your health. They care about getting a house with a swimming pool, double garage and a tennis court.

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Given up on doctors, they are no longer "Practitioners" they are just a piece of red tape in the "Pharmcological chain". Not all but any large scale practices, forget it, you will get nowhere fast but an early grave.

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Why do elephants have big ears? Because Noddy wouldn't pay the ransom.

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COVID-19 Inquiry: Health Department "Moderated" 50,000 Comments per Month During Australian Pandemic

“The Department worked with peak bodies and other government agencies to distribute credible COVID-19 information to counter misinformation and address vaccine hesitancy. Social media ads were run and formally moderated throughout the public campaign,” the health department said in its submission (pdf).

For an "Experimental Test Vaccine" which you had to volunteer to have - resulting in major diseases NOW?

An interim Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has been established to get ready for public health emergencies.

This interim CDC is undertaking training exercises, “improving the national public health surveillance system,” and building health security.

“The Australian CDC will further leverage the lessons from COVID-19 and be fundamental to Australia’s capacity to deal with future pandemics. It will boost national communication, coordination, and collaboration across jurisdictions, as well as build emergency response capacity and strengthen prevention, detection, and monitoring of communicable disease.”

Epoch Times

Not THIS PDF however: : https://interestofjustice.substack.com/api/v1/file/f52e8eaa-0f43-4f6f-9f5b-b8f82729c31b.pdf so it is obvious that the Aussie Government was "on board" with WHO from the outset and signed on with them back in 2020 and lied to everyone since - Many of us are wondering what 2024 brings after the deception of the COVID19 years (2020-23) and also the presentation of a Mis- Dis- Information Bill 2023 in parliament that will exempt the Australian government from being liable for providing mis- or dis-information.

Why would the Australian government need a bill that protects itself from providing misinformation? A bill that will prevent freedom of speech and debate on scientific and political issues? It’s not in the public’s interest.

Could it be that the government COVID19 narrative was misinformation or in fact, medical fraud with doctors violating all medical ethics and principles?

Judy Wilyman PhD Jan 14

So, if you download and read "Not THIS PDF" however, in conjunction with the "Disinformation Laws" in place 2020 to June 2023 and what Judy Wilyman PhD Jan 14 has published, above - you had to have a strong opinion for refusing the vaccines, no matter what, to have been able to do that at all, let alone, still so far, which begs the question, like New Zealand, what is the short term expectations of all of the Aussies who have been vaccinated - that total number possibly being around 26 million, give or take the few who have refused vaccines thus far and hopefully always will?

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My understanding is that Doctors are paid between $50 and $150 each vaccine prescription or vaccine shot they give and with an average surgery of say 1,000 patients that works out at 1,000 x $50 x 4 times a year or $200,000 just to turn his printer on for a few minutes, on top of the fee you paid to see your doctor and the Government subsidy he claims for your visit - Doctors are really Big Pharma's Salespeople selling their products into your arms and bodies. How much of the kick back's they actually declare in Taxes each year, remains to be seen.

It seems to me there are 3 types of Doctor's now. 1) The mechanical repair doctor in hospitals, 2) The doctor who prescribes pills and potions, 3) The doctor who has done a weekend course and is a doctor of L:literature, but pretends to be a medical doctor and sells you chalk tablets and snake oil which you buy thinking they do you some sort of good. The best cure all that I use and have used these past 31 odd years is this one and it's free: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Cup a hand and sniff or snort the mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore you have a virus, so wait 2-3 minutes until soreness goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, then continue 3 times daily, or more often, but Morning, Noon, Night, until soreness goes away and it feels like you are flushing with water - me over 31 years never ill, just by doing this, including with Covid - probably good for Long Covid too, as it flushes the nasal passages of the head, behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem - unlike a vaccine shot in your arm, of all places - you don't get a viral infection in your arm do you, bearing in mind that the vaccines target your Dentric Cells in your Lymph Nodes and have nothing to do with a Cold or the Flu in your head - like Duh!! - but for anything potentially viral.

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He is a waste of space imo but we need to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Hoody & Larter still think they can barter with the enemy, no thanks. You don't negotiate with terrorists.

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Apr 7Liked by Meryl Dorey

G'day Meryl, nailed it again. As an aside did you listen to Hoody & John Larters "interview" with 3 times jabbed (allegedly)Tony Abbott? Fraternising with the enemy imo.

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Apr 7Liked by Meryl Dorey

Well look how the medical mafia of the day treated Dr. Semmelweis.

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Never and yes I agree about accountability

A doctor who shills for big pharma is best described as Witch Doctor.

A doctor who does not shill cannot practice.

Like everything else including the government apparatus in total has past its use by date.

It cannot be reformed it must be totally replaced.

It is difficult, dangerous and very frightening but it must be tried.

It can be done probably not without human sacrifice in the sense of Jesus Christ and Mahatma Ghandi.

Topher Field explores it in his book "Good People Break Bad Laws"

Thanks Meryl for helping us with the information we need to take the action we must take to set ourselves back on the right path.

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Apr 7Liked by Meryl Dorey

I suspect there is zero chance of fixing the medical cartel from within.

Vaccination as a "prevention" of infectious disease from viral gremlins is the greatest

con ever conceived. The cat is out of the bag, the cartel and their bosses

Big P will implode because the public knows and will not forget.

The finger pointing phase has begun, it will not last long.

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Apr 7Liked by Meryl Dorey

I believe a return to teaching our children and the grown up children who weren't taught hand hygiene as a child, hand hygiene and cleanliness. Hand over face when sneezing THEN wash hands, touch anything you want(within reason) but wash hands before eating. A shower/bath before bed. Animal hygiene. This wasn't a thing in my day. Pets stayed outside unless the weather was unpredictable. Leave outdoor shoes outside. It was actually cleanliness that improved the health of children way back NOT faxinations.

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I think I would rather play a game of Russian roulette with Derren Brown than another jab at this stage but thanks Doc...

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ANYBODY that STILL believes the Australian Federal Government and its BigPharma schills literally deserves to die.

Go and have another Jab, you Jabbers. I shan't be troubled with you, not for long. You're all dieing now, of the long term and ongoing side effects of your boosters. How's that cancer? 😘

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