There will necessarily be some killing involved. Not sure why that’s controversial or misunderstood. Free people everywhere are being lied to on an hourly basis, and stupid sheep are helping the oppressor. The only way out is through.

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Lambie was a failure as a soldier and is an even bigger failure with her very fast drift to the Left. Yea she did some good things for the vets but now has clearly been compromised by the Leftist filth that infests our house.

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It’s a way to bring the conversation on government stasis regulation to the fore. The voice got voted down. Now the puppets want to quash our voices.

It’s not going to end well for THEM.

Government is the biggest proponent of mis/disinformation.

The most people have witnessed this.

Cv19 op has not finished yet.

The global puppets will be bought to heel, the last twists to be revealed.

It’s like a thriller movie.

The ending is certain. The good win.

Evil regime exposure can not be stopped.

Then it’s time for justice, but not before the most people everywhere see the problems with censorship.

Safety and censorship will never be linked again when this final act unfolds.

What will blast through the schooled daze, cognitive dissonance and wilful ignorance?

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Attending Safe and Effective funerals doesn't seem to cut it, apparently.

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Hear hear!

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