I have a copy of the paper and the insert if you would like it? Yes as Sandy Maynes said its from July 2023

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I have a copy if you need Meryl- it’s from back in July 23

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Check your local libraries. They have reading rooms with a back log of papers

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Jan 7Edited

Shari Markson. Globalist gaslighter with her gain of fiction narrative & “the origins of” something that doesn’t exist ., Another layer of bs to back in the hoax. Corporate partnership between big pharma & msm should never be overlooked. The method section of every virus isolation study shows metagenomics is used. Fake science used to fake the existence of viruses because they can’t prove viruses exist using Koch’s postulates

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Bloody Awesome

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Sorry Meryl, I can’t help you – but your local library may still have a copy. I cancelled my subscription to ‘The Australian’ a couple of years ago, specifically because of its role in deliberately stoking irrational fear about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and using the power of their publication to despicably smear anyone who questioned the official narrative about the claimed safety of the mRNA genetic injectables by applying the pejorative label of ‘antivaxxer’ and ‘vax denier’.

These actions – and the way their digital editors also curated out any reader comments that likewise challenged what was going on - put the people who run this newspaper and the rest of the corporate media well beyond the pale as far as I was concerned - so I dumped them and reallocated my funds and the time saved to Substack authors.

There has been one upside to the events of the last five years for me. After naively consuming media output for decades without too much thought, once the deception of both the media and ‘health’ bureaucrats started to become undeniable, I set out to research how the media industry really worked. What I found shocked me. I realised that like most other people, I had been played for a sucker by the media and their institutional backers for most of my life. The deception that accompanied the Covid pandemic and the imposition of the new-technology mRNA injectables on an unsuspecting Australian population ripped away the green curtain for me. The following describes just one facet (of many) about the media that I now better understand -

All those talking heads on the nightly ‘News’ who so authoritatively describe the drama of what is happening in the world every day have now been exposed as the fakes that they always were - shown up by their failure to report the extraordinary rate of death and injury caused by the mRNA injectables. If you want to see an example of how contrived the fake messages routinely pumped out by the corporate media really are, then watch this 60 second video-clip:


Now have a think about what this means. We live in a phoney reality that is effectively constructed for us by what are effectively expensively-dressed paid actors reading prepared scripts from teleprompters – and the majority of people think it is true!

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Yes, checked last weekend's Australian and it was nothing to do with cov.

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Hi I've called my newsagents and they've all sent back the left overs. Where they get printed I guess. I'm sure that's usual practice.... however hasty maybe.

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Some more info for your searching:

It's 18 months old

July 28, 2023


Covid cover-up: Wuhan lab leak suspicions, Anthony Fauci and how the science was silenced




What really happened in Wuhan: new lab leak evidence over the origin of Covid-19


https://archive.vn/y8O9s OR https://archive.ph/9EkLz

(magazine cover)


Other sources


(picture of front page)


Full Paper image










Article Author Tweet:



Good luck

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In other words all misdirection because there was no origin of the virus as there was no virus, the covid pandemic was a psyop and in psyops they do what they want for real and fake the rest ... which only makes perfect sense in a psyop right?

They didn't WANT a virus, they only wanted us to BELIEVE in a virus.

They wanted to DUPE us because keeping us duped keeps us stupid and easier to control.

Moreover, no virus has ever been proven to exist and even if viruses existed the way most people think they do they could not be controlled according to the narrative.

The figures for the narrative had to be produced by changing medical protocols - aggressive Remdesivir and hydroxychoroquine drug trials, moving old people from hospitals into aged care, over-medicating with opioids, isolation, quarantining, etc.

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It was in July 29, 2023's edition. I remember it actually but I don't think there was any real revelation, just the usual misdirection - I think it was about a supposed cover-up of the origins of the alleged virus when, of course, there was no virus, the covid pandemic was 100% psyop.

Video showing the article.


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Even without this though, hasn’t there been enough evidence 🤔

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The only mainstream publication I've seen any meaningful truth indicating the covid pandemic is 100% psyop is an article by Dr Sam Bailey in the Canberra Daily which is an independently-owned publication.


All articles by Sam in Canberra Daily


There is information in mainstream publications which indirectly exposes elements of the psyop such as this article in France-Soir about the criminality of the aggressive trials, the UN Solidarity trial and the Oxford Recovery trial.


This is my post using only mainstream sources showing indirectly and taken in combination that the covid pandemic was a psyop. What irritates me is the term "misinformation" implying that people are being misled by sources other than information provided by the authorities when you can work out it was a psyop directly from the authorised information ... but really the first article I linked to by Sam Bailey exposes the fraud all on its own.


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Thanks, Peter. They are useful links.

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Sorry - I meant ‘Petra’. The eye deceives…

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I think this was from November 21, 2023. Something with this title is available in the online edition of The Australian

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Wow how wonderful. Never read them

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No just misdirection about the origins of the virus when, of course, there was no virus. If you want truth in the MSM the only example I'm aware of in Australia is the independently-owned Canberra Daily.


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Absolutely !!

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Thanks that makes more sense. The Canberra Daily - really? The Canberra Daily tells the truth?

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When it publishes Sam Bailey it does. That's all I'm familiar with. An important fact is that while it is mainstream it is independently-owned while most if not all other MSM is not independent.

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Not in last weekend’s paper . I’m wondering maybe it was the weekend before. Guy in video doesn’t give a date 😏

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