I'm a medical doctor with a pathology master's degree who's been researching diaphragm involvement in SIDS for two years. This is important because the respiratory diaphragm is a vital pump just as important as the heart to maintain life. It is already known that skeletal muscle damage (myopathy) occurs with viruses like influenza and COVID-19 [Agyeman 2004, Shi 2021]. Similarly, vaccines (which emulate viruses) also induce limb muscle myopathy [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0961203309345734], however, the evidence for diaphragm myopathy is scant. Regardless, it's plausible that progressive diaphragm myopathy in the days after a vaccination in infants contributes to critical diaphragm fatigue and then sudden failure. Although this paper doesn't discuss vaccinations, please see: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4418/14/20/2324. SOLUTION: To rule out diaphragm inflammation, diaphragm histology needs to be checked after experimental vaccinations (in test animals) as well as in all SIDS cases. We need to stop ignoring this vital respiratory pump muscle.

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I am of the belief that SIDS is the same as the new moniker they, as in the media/pHarma/gumment have come up with, SADS, is to describe away their unexplained troubles to protect their gravy trains of monies!

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100% to my mind.

The entire vax industry is one huge scam spanning well over a hundred years.

Hep B shots I think caused my joint problems but way to late to prove causation. So yes, I used to get all those shots for Hep B, Hep A, tetanus but not anymore.

Now I have concerns about all the anaesthetics I’ve had the last 4 years.


A child only needs a healthy breastfeeding Mum.

SADS is the new SIDS.

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Thank you for bringing attention and data to us. It really is helpful.

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Const. Helen Grus is another true hero. Here is more information about the case. Hearing to continue for Ottawa police officer accused of looking for vaccine links to child death cases Published Aug 18, 2023 https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/hearing-to-continue-for-ottawa-police-officer-accused-of-looking-for-vaccine-links-to-child-death-cases

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Do we need any further proof that satans henchmen are amongst us?

Pieces of shit the lot of them.

It is unfathomable the levels of evil they trot out as fact.

Long may they burn.

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STEVE KIRSCH - Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine 26 Sept. 2023

My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS.


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Important to note the Miller's work illustrating the problem with vaccines is well over a decade old.

It was incredibly important then and now. The truth has emerged as greed under the blanket of assumed immunity has been revealed. The litigation gates have opened today. If the Pharma giants are destroyed and bankrupted out of those ashes something useful may arise. It will not help the dead or disabled nor the infertile or those with turbo cancer...

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Thank you for this information 🙏 I will be printing it out and sharing everywhere I can.

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Of course there is.

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No words.

Only Fury.

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Oct 24, 2023
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Stop being so arrogant and dismissive

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Oct 24, 2023
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Please stop with the abusive comments George. There is no call for that. We can debate this respectfully.

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Oct 24, 2023
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George, nobody has a monopoly on the truth. Not even you.

Vaccines have been linked with SIDS since the 1960s and that is via the science.

So though you think that they are absolutely not causally related, I can (and will) show you they are.

That is not to say that they are the ONLY cause. There was a doctor in NZ who for years said that offgassing from cot mattresses were the ONLY cause of SIDS. Like autism, SIDS is multifactorials. But vaccines are a huge contributor and looking at the evidence would show you that.

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Const. Helen Grus is another true hero. Here is more information about the case. Hearing to continue for Ottawa police officer accused of looking for vaccine links to child death cases Published Aug 18, 2023


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STEVE KIRSCH - Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine 26 Sept. 2023

My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS.


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Nah, there is not one cause of SIDS there are a plethora of possibilities. Certainly a link to vaccines is front row and center.

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Actually, evidence is emerging that diaphragm fatigue > diaphragm cramp > respiratory arrest > SIDS. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4418/14/20/2324

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