Don't forget ScoMo is also responsible for introducing "no jab, no pay" and "no jab, no play" -- unless your child is fully up to date with the vaccine schedule, you cannot receive full child benefits and you cannot send your child to day care or kinder.
Scomo secretly endowed himself with the portfolios he was going to need to do all this traitorous stuff if it turned out the rest of the cabinet wasn't as crooked as him. He needn't have worried.
While I try to avoid ANY pharmaceutical, I wince at what sounds like extreme beliefs that Albanese and others are trying to kill us. What evidence is there of that? And who is the 'us'? What would mass indiscriminate killing achieve? Wouldn't that have an unpredictable effect on the services that the so-called 'elites' themselves have to use? I completely agree that govt and corporates are in kahootz (sp?) for personal greed and that is unconscionable, but that 'they' are trying to kill 'us' seems like a crazy notion. Where is the evidence of intent?
Open your eyes. This is a world wide issue. Those PTB have already decided that 500,000 people is enough to keep the fires burning. Many of them have said so.
Ask yourself why Scomo, a false Christian if ever there was one - and I should know so don’t bother to challenge me, I’m as hopping mad, righteously so as Meryl is and plenty of others who have been red pilled, unlike you. Wake the heck up mate! And read other sources for this. I know it’s a stretch, but it’s the truth nonetheless. The Gorbachev Foundation was one of the first groups to declare the issue of depopulation many decades ago. This is a plan in the making for decades, adopted by WEF and the UN by their own admission.
Scomo is WEF, this is all by design. HaSatan rules this planet (for the time being) and he wants our destruction and those that have taken his plans to task are all in it for the filthy lucre and the earthly, terminable life they think they’re owed.
Why, ask yourself, did Scomo not mandate the poisonous jabs for the government? Why did France, the UK, USA, and many others do the same. After they kill us off slowly but surely, and spraying us also from above ( - get red pilled over that too mate) those elite who survive the onslaught on the rest of us think they will go on to inherit a planet that is all but destroyed. And the animals, birds and fishes that the UN General and his cohorts of the cabal pretend to care about is nothing short of satanic lies. They don’t give a damn about you, what you think or the creatures that a loving Creator made. The end truly is nigh, and you need to get a whole understanding of just what your precious “would do me no harm” government wants to do with this planet and it’s inhabitants.
Well said Gran! There’s too much to go into, isn’t there! But we have to welcome and encourage people who are just coming to realise what has been happening.
The government et Al have fooled most people, and we know most people won’t admit they’ve been fooled. But A George is here, more will come! (Hopefully) 🙂
But labelling people (like me) who are simply asking questions is really counterproductive.
Asking for evidence and "How do I know it's true?" are exceedingly valid thought processes to go through - you appear to have divided the world in two and take that as a given. I'm not naive - but I am an optimist who looks for truth and possibilities for a united future. If we simply react to what "is", we preclude the possibility of a more beautiful world that we could create.
I believe the evidence of my own eyes. 158,000 serious reactions and deaths were reported during the pre-release trial of the COVID poison. Scummo knew about it as did the TGA and Greg Hunt. Albo probably knew too. The information was supposed to be locked up for 75 years but a whistleblower released it. These criminals mandated or allowed mandates to take place. They targeted children with something they knew could not help them and could only harm. If you don't think this demonstrates intent. You may think differently. You are entitled. It took me a long time to reach this conclusion but it is firmly held now and I think if you look at the evidence, you will reach the same conclusion too.
Thanks Meryl. I believe the numbers of adverse reactions and deaths, I believe there was/is a cover-up because governments didn't want to deal with the immense fallout from all they did wrong during the pandemic.
And as someone who has worked in government, I also know how disjointed government departments are because of the many moving parts and poor communication protocols, and how intent Ministers are on maintaining consistent narrative and managing their public profile. But none of that equates to intent to kill. Maybe I'll come around to that in time, and maybe you have more access to evidence than I do. Right now, I don't see malicious intent - at best, bungling and bumbling and inability to join the dots, at worst, a determined cover-up to protect themselves.
I think we have to be careful not to buy the messaging of any one side in full - both sides are engaging in propaganda. Our job is to discern, ask questions and call out untruths when we hear them.
My God, where to start A George?! Intent to kill most of us is real! And most of us haven’t got time to present to you exactly what has been happening since 2020, let alone the centuries used up in planning our demise.
It’s good that you are questioning “gov’t stuff” though. But there are no two sides in politics anymore-not sure where you’re situated, but left/right leaning parties barely exist anymore, most of us call them a uniparty.
In Australia we have a uniparty of Labor/liberal/greens/nationals/teals. They have all been captured by people/organisations with big money, and drugs to make parliamentarians forget what they’ve done, and they produce photographs with which to blackmail individuals.
Parliamentarians are all bought and paid for, and we don’t want them anymore, we don’t need them anymore.
There never was any covid virus, and they are all in on knowing this, and knowing the “vaccines” kill and maim, because they exempted themselves from having to take it !
Please keep your mind open A George, and you will come to see what we all know !! 🙂
My mind is open, but not so open that my critical thinking falls out :-)
I try not to use words like "all" or "never" - they're really broad terms that miss critical details.
There never was any covid virus? How do you know? What was it that killed all those people around the world? And what was the lab in Wuhan working on?
When I talk about sides, I'm referring to the groups that are loosely termed "The conspiracy theorists" and "the elites". Once we start talking in group terms , it's sooo easy to dismiss "the other side" - but we exist as individuals, not groups. Groupthink is powerful and can be dangerous. Charismatic leaders have used that to their advantage.
Be open-minded rrodynmac, but don't be so quick to join groupthink - maintain your unique mind with its ability to question and think for yourself. This isn't about blindly taking sides because we have righteous anger at the injustices we see today, it's about genuinely enquiring about what is true, and being certain there is evidence to back it up. That's hard these days because most of us rely on digital media to deliver our mail, our videos, our news - and none of it can be easily verified and alot of it can be doctored - both sides are engaged in propaganda because they know the masses have little time to discern and will get swept up in the emotional rush of fear, anger etc.
Absolutely! And if we had more people who were discerning, we would never have fallen for the scamdemic. I recommend - if you have time - watching some of the Senate Estimates hearings over the last 4 years. Especially the questioning by Senators Antic, Roberts and Rennick of representatives from Pfizer, Moderna and our own government health departments. I was left in no doubt after doing so that intent was real. But maybe I'm turning into a cynic in my old age? :-)
Interesting that Moderna had never before produced or manufactured a vaccine, but has always been a bio weapons facility. Now they get cart blanch to do whatever they want, & put it out for our consumption, if one is stupid enough. Why can’t people see this level of corruption & evil? Why would we, as citizens, want to buy drugs of any kind from a company that’s so corrupt & embedded in the government? Companies like Pfizer & GSK, who’ve paid millions upon millions in fines over the decades? How can we trust these corporations with our lives? I am terrified of hospitals now. Since 2020. I was always very uncomfortable with hospitals before, but now, I see them as death traps. And doctors too. Dentists as well. I have yet to find any with a good disposition or that I feel comfortable with, or safe enough to really talk about health issues with. It’s absolutely terrifying nowadays! Just sayin.
Totally agree. I cancelled an op for the same reasons. I’ll live with my carpel tunnel syndrome forever thanks and also thanks to DMSO (read A Midwestern Doctor on Substack for a you-beaut rundown on its amazing healing powers of healing).
I have just started to use DMSO for my eyes. And I just saw a video from Barbara O'Neill about mixing DMSO with Turmeric and using it as a poultice on your joints or other areas where inflammation is an issue - putting a cabbage leaf on top and then, wrapping it in a bandage. I'm going to try it on my knees where I am arthritic. It might be useful for you too for your carpal tunnel? Couldn't hurt? Here is the link -
Thanks Meryl. Good advice. I’ll definitely check that out. I remember years ago reading in an old book on our shelf the efficacy of cabbage leaf. Apparently, even though I’ve never employed it, it has “drawing” properties, pulls out the inflammation and in the case of infection helps to fight that, too. Ah, the good old fashioned recipes for health often include some wonderful healing properties though they may seem archaic, I think we can just get used to too much of pharma’s quick fixes, which aren’t. Natural medicine all the way!
I used cabbage leaves (frozen) extensively because I developed mastitis every single time I started to breastfeed my 4 children - in some cases, multiple times. The first time, I took antibiotics but both the baby and I had reactions. After that, it was cabbage leaves, vitamin C and a whole lot of water to drink - cleared it up every time. So it makes sense that it is really good at reducing inflammation and even infection.
That’s wonderful, not the problem, the cure :-). I’ve had mastitis too so I get it. I can’t remember what I was told to do by a doctor, it wasn’t antibiotics, think it was cold compresses, loads of water, yes, and feed feed feed the child more, if not able to, express. To be honest, we knew to use cabbage leaf but I was 21yo at the time and it was like, “urgh” to me. You know, when you’re young, it’s yucky, stinky cabbage. And I hated cabbage, me and cabbage don’t get along.
Go figure, I had homebirths, you’d think I’d have gotten over the “yucky” first time round 😄
100 million doses that is going to be administered to whom? Will it be voluntary? I doubt it. We need to learn how powerful two little letters are - N O
Thanks for the information Meryl! The power clearly went to Morrison's head during the Covid years. He just wasn't cut out for the job of PM during that time. How do we get this information out to the uninformed Australian public who may otherwise take the Moderna vaccinations? I recently told a young woman that the US Senate had concluded that Covid 19 originated in a Wuhan Lab. She was shocked! That shows you the page that I think the majority of Australians are still on. They still believe the mainstream media narrative.
I know for a fact they do , and our Ambos and hospital staff stand by these in jections to come out . I was in an Ambulance and bought up the monkey pox rubbish , and I kid you not , they said they are aware of it and were ready , they said they have been taught about it , and were ready for it 😡😡😡😡😡😡
I think you are right, Julie. At a guess, I suspect that about 70% of the Australian population have absolutely no idea about the truth of the harm that was done to them over the last five years. I lay a large part of the blame at the feet of the deceptive scum who work in the corporate media for not informing the public of the facts. They are either complete morons or are totally bent.
Never apologise for anything you say especially when you are trying to inform others with the TRUTH. It's sheer criminal madness on their part and deserve to be called every name under the sun.
Hey Meryl, I don't understand why the charade continues? The truth is out, the ppl are hopping mad, or seething quietly underneath. or in protective self-denial, frozen in time & fear of what their future will bring. And these psychopathic satanic criminals think that manufacturing this volume of doses will be administered each year? Who will be lining up for this toxic sh*t? Bueller, Bueller, anyone? They've lost their friggin' minds. Maybe they've had too many shots or just on alcohol & drugs. Either way something is loose upstairs if they think this gig is going to go on making them money for the next 10 years. Seriously feel like I wanna lose my sh*t also. Enough is Enough!
This goes back to Julia Gillard signing a US DOD contract in 2012. This is and always was a military bioweapons exercise. Scomo was wel rewarded as was his defence minister they both have employment in the military industrial complex, as well as our ex ambassador to the IS as for the Health minister he now works for pharma. Look at their post political jobs to see who our government works for. Last I heard Gillard is CEO of welcome trust.
Spot on Julie, The Medical Countermeasures Consortium. Tried to FOI this set up & came back rejected due to national security. Malcolm Roberts knows about this but he dropped it like a hot spud...Why? We the ppl need answers about the DoD killbox contracts in place. This feels like crazy times w/ our leaders working rogue against We the Ppl.
I’m not sure they’re smart enough to orchestrate this. I think they’re too stupid to come up with any sort of plan. They just do what they are told to do by the WEF and the WHO. They’re just not smart enough to think for themselves.
There's a dark coup in place for sure Meryl, whether it's money, or blackmail... There's certainly something dodgy about these factories of poison, springing up around the country despite the known danger of mRNA injections.
I agree with every word of your article, and am astounded at the propaganda in place to push this crap. Aussies have been betrayed by institutions they should have been able to trust, and are victims of cult like tactics of mind control via media and government messaging.
This is why so many keep lining up Jonestown style. So unlike Eureka stockade, the narrative control keeps people in the dark that there is a problem.
So many not joining the dots, there's quite a few deaths that are almost certainly the vax in my social circle, yet family members are totally unaware their loved ones sudden death, or sudden cancer were the vax. So many accept the myocarditis/pericarditis they got was just an unfortunate "rare" side effect, rather than a known and perhaps common feature of this crap... Etc etc
If these people suddenly KNEW there is a huge problem, maybe the outrage would boil over...
Our science departments know better, and KNEW the danger of this from the start, why are they not speaking up? The media KNOW there's excess deaths linked to the vax, where's the public interest journalism? It doesn't exist.
It's pure evil going on in front of our eyes, and your article nails the whole dreadful scenario.
A couple of years ago, i heard a phrase and have been repeating it constantly since. I can't even remember who said it. But what we are suffering from more than anything is a crisis of conscience. Match that with a crisis of courage and you have what is happening today. Very sad.
I would like to documents showing Scomo,s corruption. Know in my heart. The outcome is obvious, but proof for a conviction?
I'll blame it on the people.
With Israel, Russia, Trump, Islamic terrorism, Dutton Nuclear, Coal,......
They will have problem with everything, except for things that are not on their social media feed / TV news.
-Government Fraud,
-Health Deptt. saying that they dont have any duty of care to people of Australia,
-mis-dis- info by Govt & Media....
Don't forget ScoMo is also responsible for introducing "no jab, no pay" and "no jab, no play" -- unless your child is fully up to date with the vaccine schedule, you cannot receive full child benefits and you cannot send your child to day care or kinder.
Have people heard of the “Day Tapes”? A series of tapes of talks about what we are currently experiencing, made in the ‘60’s by Dr Richard Day?
Excess Deaths AU has them in this article-listen whilst you still can!
Thanks for the link - i had never heard of this before. I will definitely listen.
No worries-nobody could be happier that you are interested than ExcessDeathsAU!
Scomo secretly endowed himself with the portfolios he was going to need to do all this traitorous stuff if it turned out the rest of the cabinet wasn't as crooked as him. He needn't have worried.
While I try to avoid ANY pharmaceutical, I wince at what sounds like extreme beliefs that Albanese and others are trying to kill us. What evidence is there of that? And who is the 'us'? What would mass indiscriminate killing achieve? Wouldn't that have an unpredictable effect on the services that the so-called 'elites' themselves have to use? I completely agree that govt and corporates are in kahootz (sp?) for personal greed and that is unconscionable, but that 'they' are trying to kill 'us' seems like a crazy notion. Where is the evidence of intent?
Do you know the Members of Parliament were exenpted from the covid jabs?
And slowly everyone is coming to the same conclusion that the "conspiracy scientists" were stating in 2021.
No I didn't. I'm not saying I don't believe it, it could well be true. My question is: How do you know?
We did see footage of Scomo getting a vaccination (of course, it could have been saline!)
Open your eyes. This is a world wide issue. Those PTB have already decided that 500,000 people is enough to keep the fires burning. Many of them have said so.
Ask yourself why Scomo, a false Christian if ever there was one - and I should know so don’t bother to challenge me, I’m as hopping mad, righteously so as Meryl is and plenty of others who have been red pilled, unlike you. Wake the heck up mate! And read other sources for this. I know it’s a stretch, but it’s the truth nonetheless. The Gorbachev Foundation was one of the first groups to declare the issue of depopulation many decades ago. This is a plan in the making for decades, adopted by WEF and the UN by their own admission.
Scomo is WEF, this is all by design. HaSatan rules this planet (for the time being) and he wants our destruction and those that have taken his plans to task are all in it for the filthy lucre and the earthly, terminable life they think they’re owed.
Why, ask yourself, did Scomo not mandate the poisonous jabs for the government? Why did France, the UK, USA, and many others do the same. After they kill us off slowly but surely, and spraying us also from above ( - get red pilled over that too mate) those elite who survive the onslaught on the rest of us think they will go on to inherit a planet that is all but destroyed. And the animals, birds and fishes that the UN General and his cohorts of the cabal pretend to care about is nothing short of satanic lies. They don’t give a damn about you, what you think or the creatures that a loving Creator made. The end truly is nigh, and you need to get a whole understanding of just what your precious “would do me no harm” government wants to do with this planet and it’s inhabitants.
Transhumanism anyone?
Well said Gran! There’s too much to go into, isn’t there! But we have to welcome and encourage people who are just coming to realise what has been happening.
The government et Al have fooled most people, and we know most people won’t admit they’ve been fooled. But A George is here, more will come! (Hopefully) 🙂
Thanks - I'll look into some of that.
But labelling people (like me) who are simply asking questions is really counterproductive.
Asking for evidence and "How do I know it's true?" are exceedingly valid thought processes to go through - you appear to have divided the world in two and take that as a given. I'm not naive - but I am an optimist who looks for truth and possibilities for a united future. If we simply react to what "is", we preclude the possibility of a more beautiful world that we could create.
Hi George,
I believe the evidence of my own eyes. 158,000 serious reactions and deaths were reported during the pre-release trial of the COVID poison. Scummo knew about it as did the TGA and Greg Hunt. Albo probably knew too. The information was supposed to be locked up for 75 years but a whistleblower released it. These criminals mandated or allowed mandates to take place. They targeted children with something they knew could not help them and could only harm. If you don't think this demonstrates intent. You may think differently. You are entitled. It took me a long time to reach this conclusion but it is firmly held now and I think if you look at the evidence, you will reach the same conclusion too.
Thanks Meryl. I believe the numbers of adverse reactions and deaths, I believe there was/is a cover-up because governments didn't want to deal with the immense fallout from all they did wrong during the pandemic.
And as someone who has worked in government, I also know how disjointed government departments are because of the many moving parts and poor communication protocols, and how intent Ministers are on maintaining consistent narrative and managing their public profile. But none of that equates to intent to kill. Maybe I'll come around to that in time, and maybe you have more access to evidence than I do. Right now, I don't see malicious intent - at best, bungling and bumbling and inability to join the dots, at worst, a determined cover-up to protect themselves.
I think we have to be careful not to buy the messaging of any one side in full - both sides are engaging in propaganda. Our job is to discern, ask questions and call out untruths when we hear them.
My God, where to start A George?! Intent to kill most of us is real! And most of us haven’t got time to present to you exactly what has been happening since 2020, let alone the centuries used up in planning our demise.
It’s good that you are questioning “gov’t stuff” though. But there are no two sides in politics anymore-not sure where you’re situated, but left/right leaning parties barely exist anymore, most of us call them a uniparty.
In Australia we have a uniparty of Labor/liberal/greens/nationals/teals. They have all been captured by people/organisations with big money, and drugs to make parliamentarians forget what they’ve done, and they produce photographs with which to blackmail individuals.
Parliamentarians are all bought and paid for, and we don’t want them anymore, we don’t need them anymore.
There never was any covid virus, and they are all in on knowing this, and knowing the “vaccines” kill and maim, because they exempted themselves from having to take it !
Please keep your mind open A George, and you will come to see what we all know !! 🙂
Thanks rrodynmac - I'm in Australia.
My mind is open, but not so open that my critical thinking falls out :-)
I try not to use words like "all" or "never" - they're really broad terms that miss critical details.
There never was any covid virus? How do you know? What was it that killed all those people around the world? And what was the lab in Wuhan working on?
When I talk about sides, I'm referring to the groups that are loosely termed "The conspiracy theorists" and "the elites". Once we start talking in group terms , it's sooo easy to dismiss "the other side" - but we exist as individuals, not groups. Groupthink is powerful and can be dangerous. Charismatic leaders have used that to their advantage.
Be open-minded rrodynmac, but don't be so quick to join groupthink - maintain your unique mind with its ability to question and think for yourself. This isn't about blindly taking sides because we have righteous anger at the injustices we see today, it's about genuinely enquiring about what is true, and being certain there is evidence to back it up. That's hard these days because most of us rely on digital media to deliver our mail, our videos, our news - and none of it can be easily verified and alot of it can be doctored - both sides are engaged in propaganda because they know the masses have little time to discern and will get swept up in the emotional rush of fear, anger etc.
Absolutely! And if we had more people who were discerning, we would never have fallen for the scamdemic. I recommend - if you have time - watching some of the Senate Estimates hearings over the last 4 years. Especially the questioning by Senators Antic, Roberts and Rennick of representatives from Pfizer, Moderna and our own government health departments. I was left in no doubt after doing so that intent was real. But maybe I'm turning into a cynic in my old age? :-)
Interesting that Moderna had never before produced or manufactured a vaccine, but has always been a bio weapons facility. Now they get cart blanch to do whatever they want, & put it out for our consumption, if one is stupid enough. Why can’t people see this level of corruption & evil? Why would we, as citizens, want to buy drugs of any kind from a company that’s so corrupt & embedded in the government? Companies like Pfizer & GSK, who’ve paid millions upon millions in fines over the decades? How can we trust these corporations with our lives? I am terrified of hospitals now. Since 2020. I was always very uncomfortable with hospitals before, but now, I see them as death traps. And doctors too. Dentists as well. I have yet to find any with a good disposition or that I feel comfortable with, or safe enough to really talk about health issues with. It’s absolutely terrifying nowadays! Just sayin.
Totally agree. I cancelled an op for the same reasons. I’ll live with my carpel tunnel syndrome forever thanks and also thanks to DMSO (read A Midwestern Doctor on Substack for a you-beaut rundown on its amazing healing powers of healing).
I have just started to use DMSO for my eyes. And I just saw a video from Barbara O'Neill about mixing DMSO with Turmeric and using it as a poultice on your joints or other areas where inflammation is an issue - putting a cabbage leaf on top and then, wrapping it in a bandage. I'm going to try it on my knees where I am arthritic. It might be useful for you too for your carpal tunnel? Couldn't hurt? Here is the link -
Thanks Meryl. Good advice. I’ll definitely check that out. I remember years ago reading in an old book on our shelf the efficacy of cabbage leaf. Apparently, even though I’ve never employed it, it has “drawing” properties, pulls out the inflammation and in the case of infection helps to fight that, too. Ah, the good old fashioned recipes for health often include some wonderful healing properties though they may seem archaic, I think we can just get used to too much of pharma’s quick fixes, which aren’t. Natural medicine all the way!
I used cabbage leaves (frozen) extensively because I developed mastitis every single time I started to breastfeed my 4 children - in some cases, multiple times. The first time, I took antibiotics but both the baby and I had reactions. After that, it was cabbage leaves, vitamin C and a whole lot of water to drink - cleared it up every time. So it makes sense that it is really good at reducing inflammation and even infection.
That’s wonderful, not the problem, the cure :-). I’ve had mastitis too so I get it. I can’t remember what I was told to do by a doctor, it wasn’t antibiotics, think it was cold compresses, loads of water, yes, and feed feed feed the child more, if not able to, express. To be honest, we knew to use cabbage leaf but I was 21yo at the time and it was like, “urgh” to me. You know, when you’re young, it’s yucky, stinky cabbage. And I hated cabbage, me and cabbage don’t get along.
Go figure, I had homebirths, you’d think I’d have gotten over the “yucky” first time round 😄
Love DMSO! Good stuff!
No need to apologise, Meryl. ‘Satan-driven arseholes’ Is an appropriate description of the people involved in facilitating this disgrace.
Says it all.
100 million doses that is going to be administered to whom? Will it be voluntary? I doubt it. We need to learn how powerful two little letters are - N O
One hundred percent agree. Typical Australians are incapable right now, they are suffering decision paralysis.
They don’t even hide their corruption and greed, they wear it like a club badge. The swamp needs draining😡
Thanks for the information Meryl! The power clearly went to Morrison's head during the Covid years. He just wasn't cut out for the job of PM during that time. How do we get this information out to the uninformed Australian public who may otherwise take the Moderna vaccinations? I recently told a young woman that the US Senate had concluded that Covid 19 originated in a Wuhan Lab. She was shocked! That shows you the page that I think the majority of Australians are still on. They still believe the mainstream media narrative.
I know for a fact they do , and our Ambos and hospital staff stand by these in jections to come out . I was in an Ambulance and bought up the monkey pox rubbish , and I kid you not , they said they are aware of it and were ready , they said they have been taught about it , and were ready for it 😡😡😡😡😡😡
Yes, and good on you for talking about it. That is the most powerful thing we can all do. Don't worry about being judged - just be out there sharing.
I think you are right, Julie. At a guess, I suspect that about 70% of the Australian population have absolutely no idea about the truth of the harm that was done to them over the last five years. I lay a large part of the blame at the feet of the deceptive scum who work in the corporate media for not informing the public of the facts. They are either complete morons or are totally bent.
God, I hope you're wrong! I am thinking it's more 50/50 - but I'm a cockeyed optimist, aren't I?
Bent and twisted
Never apologise for anything you say especially when you are trying to inform others with the TRUTH. It's sheer criminal madness on their part and deserve to be called every name under the sun.
Hey Meryl, I don't understand why the charade continues? The truth is out, the ppl are hopping mad, or seething quietly underneath. or in protective self-denial, frozen in time & fear of what their future will bring. And these psychopathic satanic criminals think that manufacturing this volume of doses will be administered each year? Who will be lining up for this toxic sh*t? Bueller, Bueller, anyone? They've lost their friggin' minds. Maybe they've had too many shots or just on alcohol & drugs. Either way something is loose upstairs if they think this gig is going to go on making them money for the next 10 years. Seriously feel like I wanna lose my sh*t also. Enough is Enough!
100%! The elderly who don’t access the internet are the only cohort I could see taking these jabs. And that won’t make money for pHarma.
This goes back to Julia Gillard signing a US DOD contract in 2012. This is and always was a military bioweapons exercise. Scomo was wel rewarded as was his defence minister they both have employment in the military industrial complex, as well as our ex ambassador to the IS as for the Health minister he now works for pharma. Look at their post political jobs to see who our government works for. Last I heard Gillard is CEO of welcome trust.
Spot on Julie, The Medical Countermeasures Consortium. Tried to FOI this set up & came back rejected due to national security. Malcolm Roberts knows about this but he dropped it like a hot spud...Why? We the ppl need answers about the DoD killbox contracts in place. This feels like crazy times w/ our leaders working rogue against We the Ppl.
I like Malcolm- I think he’s playing the long game.
I’m not sure they’re smart enough to orchestrate this. I think they’re too stupid to come up with any sort of plan. They just do what they are told to do by the WEF and the WHO. They’re just not smart enough to think for themselves.
True - the majority of politicians are truly the lowest common denominator.
There's a dark coup in place for sure Meryl, whether it's money, or blackmail... There's certainly something dodgy about these factories of poison, springing up around the country despite the known danger of mRNA injections.
I agree with every word of your article, and am astounded at the propaganda in place to push this crap. Aussies have been betrayed by institutions they should have been able to trust, and are victims of cult like tactics of mind control via media and government messaging.
This is why so many keep lining up Jonestown style. So unlike Eureka stockade, the narrative control keeps people in the dark that there is a problem.
So many not joining the dots, there's quite a few deaths that are almost certainly the vax in my social circle, yet family members are totally unaware their loved ones sudden death, or sudden cancer were the vax. So many accept the myocarditis/pericarditis they got was just an unfortunate "rare" side effect, rather than a known and perhaps common feature of this crap... Etc etc
If these people suddenly KNEW there is a huge problem, maybe the outrage would boil over...
Our science departments know better, and KNEW the danger of this from the start, why are they not speaking up? The media KNOW there's excess deaths linked to the vax, where's the public interest journalism? It doesn't exist.
It's pure evil going on in front of our eyes, and your article nails the whole dreadful scenario.
A couple of years ago, i heard a phrase and have been repeating it constantly since. I can't even remember who said it. But what we are suffering from more than anything is a crisis of conscience. Match that with a crisis of courage and you have what is happening today. Very sad.
Yes , we know Cole’s and Aldi how many more are complicit in this poison going in our food , and still we do nothing