Beats me as well given X is just as nasty as it ever was in terms of censorship, Musk talked a big game but hes WEF CEO shill has them censoring still.

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Oh you mean the NZ data whistle-blower?

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Awesome, thanks for that, I could not find it on Tuckercarlson.com

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Yes, I check there first and didn't see it either. He has a LOT more on his Twitter page than on his own website - no idea why?

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Thanks for sharing this Meryl. Yes I agree it was very empowering and I have already watched it 11/2 times. He touched on a few things that reminded me of a feeling I get from time to time, that I have had over the past few years and that is I think pride. Pride in myself for doing what my gut instinct was telling me to do. I don't think I have experienced anything quite like it before. Also being connected to our group of like minded people underpins that feeling. Tucker's speach was also a good reminder to speak the truth as often as possible.

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Yes! That is exactly how i felt too - I just didn’t know how to put it into words :-) And how impressive was it that he didn’t even read off of a speech?

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Why won't you say it's about depopulation and a takeover by the Eugenics Society, now rebranded the Population Council, like their bloodlines have the power over ours to depopulate and control. It's a war on what they call us "hue-mans" the colour of man, coloured people! I love the rest of your speech but why are you saying you don't understand what they are doing when .. come on.. you know! Thank you for the truth in the remainder.

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Thanks for sharing Tucker’s talk on truth telling Meryl. We love Tucker in our house and were bitterly disappointed when Fox axed him (the whole debacle was nauseating) as we would record his show and watch at a suitable time here in Aus. We don’t have any social media at all, so I’m very happy to see that he’s being broadcast by people like you and one other who writes her articles here on Substack (not saying who, but she’s very perceptive, was Left, now Right like so many of us, though I just call the switch waking up to common sense).

For those who have any religious faith and or not I’d like to point out that a wise person from the 1stCE wrote a letter known to us as “Hebrews” in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament). In that letter in verse Chapter 10:35 it says: “Cast not away you therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward.”

The Greek word for “confidence” in this instance is “parhesia” which literally means “freedom of speech”. Some say this is not true and to hide the truth from the believers the original translators of the Catholic Church changed the word to represent “confidence” NOT “freedom of speech”.

So if you’re a Christian, a Jew or even a person of spirituality please remember that this writer of the letter to the Hebrews was emphasizing the need to be bold and courageous in your speech.

We know all about it, try teaching universal salvation to people who want to see the bad guys get it for all eternity. God has other plans and doesn’t burn up his so called “mistakes”. This was taught for 350 years after Messiah, until usurpers snavelled the truth for themselves. Far more lucrative to damn people to purgatory or hell for speaking the truth about God’s wonderful plan for ALL His children. So speak up folks. The God of all wants you to yell it from the rooftops.

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I had a paid subscription to Fox Nation and I cancelled it when he got fired and told them why. I admire him greatly and pray that he will be protected since I know that he threatens some very evil and powerful people.

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My prayers will support you ,Meryl, as well as Ian Brighthope, John Toomey,Peter McCullough,Robert Malone,Peter Breggin etc.etc. Many millions of us have sacrificed income to save our body from this diabolical pHarma and cannot subscribe with $$. Our Father, who art in Heaven,is my prayer èach day,both for you and for family members suffering for accepting this evil.

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Yuri Bezmenov's Sstack is also worth reading. I have some topics like this one to propose, and these discussions can become widespread. Educating the folks who need it most. Including me. 🙏🏼

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Meryl, thanks for showcasing this.

We are living in an Empire of lies.

We are afraid and dreading what comes next.

And we know who the Father of Lies is....

and we know who belongs to him....their pulses, heartbeat and sweating does not occur when they lie.

They are different from us.

We call them psychopaths.

How many people at the top are like this? Almost all.

The rest are just experts at lying to themselves.

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Yes - not just lying to themselves but so filled with fear they are no longer capable of independent thought and need to be told what to do, say and think :-(

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My dear Mother, God rest her soul, always brought me up not to tell lies, for that very reason -- liars cannot be trusted, but they have to tell more lies to cover up the former lies, and they eventually are found out!!

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I always was told the biggest lies we tell, we tell ourselves.. the bit I like about that is the more frequent people lie the often forget which lie they and who too. I’ve seen quite a few caught out that way.

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Thank you Liz. I have my doubts about whether this data says what Liz and Winston think it does, but the actions of the corrupt authorities in NZ have convinced me that every word is true.

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It obviously IS true ... otherwise he wouldn’t have been arrested, and be in court next week!!

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Do you know his court date, by any chance Liz? I don't trust his sincerity or his integrity nor do I doubt the data. I am just not sure that it shows what some people say it does and tbh, Liz Gunn seems very problematic here just as she did with the Baby Will case last year. Good intentions - poor execution. I pray there will be justice for the whistleblower and all New Zealanders (and the rest of us too).

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Can you post a link to the original please?

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Absolutely loved hearing Tucker speak He is a big favourite of mine GEMS all the way

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I do pray that TPTB see Mr Carlson as far too big to mess with.

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Great talk by Tucker to bolster courage in the down-trodden ones that have little hope and are afraid to wake up and stand on their hind-legs. His discourse is infectious and should go VIRAL…

It was interesting to note that he didn’t include Robert Kennedy Jr., also running for the presidency; maybe he is either unaware of this or considers his chances, ‘out of the running’. But what i’ve observed in this man is everything that Tucker is encouraging people to do and more. He might have a croaky voice but his ethics and vision for his country, leave the others dead in the water.

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Tucker actually did an excellent interview with RFK Jr recently. I don’t think he has discounted him though.

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Tucker Carlson has become the conscience of our time for the U.S. This is an important speech, because it helps turn your attention away from al the idiotic distractions being thrown at us, to instead reflect upon one's own personal values, understand and strengthen them. At the same time, we must realize we are living in a society consisting of many interdependencies, and respect the other participants in this complex human system.

Carlson calls out our current oppressors, i.e., the government and its bureaucracy, and he encourages us to trust our intuition ("gut")---this sense is stronger in some people than in others, but in general, if you can learn to calm your internal dialogue, generally the message of intuition becomes easier to notice.

We are being pushed around by psychopaths and their minions---the kind of people who are lying to us, who would "steal our cookies and then directly accuse us of having already eaten them ourselves", who simply enjoy creating confusion and abusing others. Such motivation and thoughts are foreign to normal people, and thus most never suspect the ill intentions of the psychopath, who is capable of imitating the normal emotions of normal people for the sake of manipulation, even if incapable of actually feeling them personally. This fact---that normal people ordinarily have no clue about the thinking of psychopaths---blinds people to their nefarious and often purely destructive motives, which is why we need access to our "gut" feelings in preference to our ordinary thinking and judging mind---the former can "feel" that things are not right with a situation or a person, whereas the latter (our normal everyday way of understanding and reasoning through situations) can be fooled by the clever deceptions of the psychopath.

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People of the Lie....

The book was awesome. But they have reproduced and now are all over in positions of power.

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I loved the cookie analogy.

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Very well said! And the whole gut instinct thing only became clear to me when I was taking stories on the VaxXed bus. 90%+ of the parents who told their stories said they knew in their gut that the vaccine was going to be harmful but they did it anyway because of pressure from doctors, their family, the government… Our gut is powerful if we obey it. Tucker was spot on!

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Meryl. My wife and I, and so many of my friends had our internal alarms going off very strongly on the vaxxes.

I cannot understand why anybody who had doubts would take these poisons. Obviously we have bred a society where we have completely lost our instincts.

Mine are still very strong. In factories I can sense if a strike is brewing and if I am being watched. In the Army I learnt from Warrant Officer who served in Vietnam that you must trust your instincts. He told me he and others could sense the Viet Cong, they were so attuned to their environment.

Seems so many in our society need to reconnect with their instincts and stop outsourcing thinking to others.

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Instinct is something that has been trained out of so many people - myself included. It is only in recent years that I've gotten back in touch with my gut and now, I see that it is always right. Always.

People have been far too trusting and have thought far too little.

I do hope that will be changing now!

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One more point---not all these people are psychopaths, but the psychopaths in charge are excellent at manipulating people, either through appealing to their weaknesses (money, sex, power), or through imposing some sort of "initiation rite" that is embarrassing and would be career destroying or worse if revealed---this is an insurance policy to prevent whistleblowers and turncoats. Secret societies often feature the same sort of control methods.

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Psychopaths running anything have a huge impact on the people below...and the people below to survive pick up psychopathic tendencies.

In some respects, it is like a virus.

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Oh, I have been trying to write an article on truthfulness that actually explains the power of truthfulness in terms of frequency, and why some are simply unable to detect it. In the meantime, Tucker Carlson has set the ball rolling in spectacular fashion with this talk.

I have written one preliminary article on it, which I first published sometime in the naugties, and republished here, which gives us a start on how we address this in our personal lives.


Sooner or later I will work out how to express this idea, in a way that will have impact, based on the frequency research of David Hawkins. It's sitting in the fringes of my consciousness until it has the space to mature into an article.

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Oh Christine - I think Tucker would love what you’ve written. And what a challenge you have thrown to us all - to honestly and fully tell the truth!

My husband is someone like that and I aspire to one day be as honest as he. I will try your week of truth-telling even if it hurts!

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If your husband is already a truth teller, you have a great opportunity. I would guess that two truth tellers together will be most of the way there. But I did find when I was looking at myself, that I have kept some pretty big secrets in my life, that are worth exposing to myself if no-one else. I have to learn to be kinder though. That is a very difficult razor's edge to walk.

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Yes - we are always our own greatest critics, aren’t we?

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Hhhhmmmm, yes I believe truth telling is powerful and a positive change will come into the truth teller's character. That does not mean all will be well, even when we tell the truth, we may very well lose our life. The evil agenda is so spiritually powerful that only God can ultimately do away with this evil. And that will happen very soon. The cup of iniquity is very full.

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Yes. Now the two people in Australia are surrounded in their houses by the police.

Truth telling will get you killed....but what do you value most? Living as a slave, or

as a freeman in your grave?

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I think you mean NZ?

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Yes, sorry. I know, it terrible to get them mixed up, but they are both so far from here.

I have friends in NZ and Australia, and would have loved to have visited both countries.


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Where is this happening in Australia? Duchess

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NZ. Get them mixed up. Apologies.

Accent is almost the same :-)

Now my childhood friend who lives in NZ is gonna kill me.

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But this is the hill we have to decide about - do we live or die here? If enough of us make that same stand, then we will live.

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Nothing will happen if we do not do it ourselves without fear of the consequences. We must be the actors in this story on earth.

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Absolutely, this earth is our stage.

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