Donald Trump. President in 2020 when all of the PLANDEMIC rolled on while he bragged about Operation Warp Speed. He looked into a camera and said take the shots. You want your freedom back don’t you? Yes, he said it. Don’t ask me to find it. I’m still disturbed about my father’s murder

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There is no hope with Trump-he’s one of “them”. He does what he’s told. He says what he’s told to say. He sounded good, to so many. “Sounded”-past tense!

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I certainly won’t be taking that long walk off that very short pier again and it’s time to start arresting those that are trying to force us to do their bidding and prosecuting them under treason legislation, so it’s time to dust off the old statute books. 📕

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I didn't fall for it first time.

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not anymore than I bought it in '19

I smelled a rat immediately and was fortunate enough to have a naturopath who

had an ongoing network with REPUTABLE, the type who were shoved aside to

enable big pharma and that monster Fauci

He outlined an alternative protocol which I continue to follow

In ALL I thank God for His direction

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Question are we getting the governments we deserve?

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Let me see, 67 deaths out of a population of 346,388,266 souls, deduct a few because Biden, Harris and Clinton have no soul. Yea I don't see any reason to do what they are telling people to do. I expect most will give them the middle finger.

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I hope and pray you are right. Surely there are more awake than not now?

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I believe a larger segment of the US population in the newly won Republican states will not follow like sheep this time. Two weeks from now, Trump is inaugurated and I suspect, big pharma and the CDC are going to receive an XL enema. Especially if RFK is involved. Businesses have no appetite for lock down and other stupidity, they got burned before. How does it go, 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me'.

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"God willing, Trump will put a stop to this rubbish"

Don't worry he's just announced Operation Speed Warp.

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did he? Where did you see that?

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The sleepers need to see the criminal class’s playbook. Its theatre for their eyes. Let’s see how it plays out this time.

We need everyone to be able to discern fraud from reality. To do this they must comprehend the criminal class lie about everything and control information channels to get away with this. Experts are appointed to maintain narratives, patch holes and gaslight dissenters.

Scrutiny and due diligence are necessary life skills.

One size fits all is a clothing description not a medical prescription.

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Oh Jane - that is going to be a tag line I borrow (steal) sometime in the near future. One size fits all is a clothing description not a medical prescription. Brilliant and so true - every word you said.

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You are welcome to use it. It might make a good meme.

Every time we redefine healing and separate ourselves from the criminal class’s narrative, it makes a difference. I see we move the middle rag on the tug of war rope towards truth.

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In a way I feel sorry for them, they have only one play in their playbook and are not bright enough to think of another

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True. I've said it before and I'll say it again - we are not governed by the best or the brightest.

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This time they'll need to use greater force - they've been prepping to do just that as they know the population will be much more divided Most people however are too frightened to wake up and still are politically naive. They will continue to vote for the major parties and get the same results.

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They are also promoting fear about new so called virus HMPV.https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10160485182821510&set=pcb.10160485182851510

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Plan B...In case bird flu isn't scary enough.

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More fear porn from the lame stream media🤦‍♀️

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How many useful idiots will go along with it again.

Check out this thread to be reminded about how they got away with it last time.


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We must NEVER forget, Mark!

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100% Meryl.

I don't intend to forget, and there MUST be accountability.

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I am sorry but if you fall for all this bs then go lock yourself away until you die.

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It sounds really cruel, but honestly - after 4 years of blatant and overt lies, anyone who is still drinking this kool-aid is just asking to be poisoned.

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