This bill, composed by Facebook and American originated is the most embarrassing attempt to destroy our freedom of speech and democratic way of government. It is difficult to believe that the ALP and Greens are contemplating legislation contrary to their own fundamental stated policies of their own parties and the basic principles of our our Constitution. Because of the Bill’s attack on our Australian way of life, the Parliament has no authority to endorse it, it is essential that it be subject to a referendum.

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They feel they have the right. It's up to us to let them know differently.

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Thanks for the suggestion of making a submission. My submission said that this bill is really about censorship. I pointed out that government bureaucrats are politically oriented - they are not impartial arbiters of truth. I also pointed out that they are prone to error, as we saw during Covid, when MPs and public servants repeatedly spread false information because of their own ignorance, and promoted the censorship of correct scientific information that conflicted with their political agendas.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Exactly who gets to decide what is misinformation and disinformation? The Government? Bahahaha.

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Exactly! They and the mainstream media. The bodies that have spent the last three years - the last few decades actually, lying through their teeth and spreading massive mis and disinformation!

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Communism dressed up as ‘our democracy!’

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey


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Beware your wishes may come true! Is God real? Should abortion be banned? Does the experimental Covid 19 vaccine stop transmission or death? Should homosexuals be gaoled? Who shall judge the answers to these questions fairly?

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I can't tell you who CAN judge but I know fully who can't - and that is our corporate government.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

BigpondGeefor - you rightfully ask: “Who shall judge the answers to these questions fairly?”.

The answer is – the especially selected unelected commissars who will be appointed to staff the Albanese Government’s new ‘Ministry of Truth’.

But in case anyone is under the misapprehension that this obscene proposal is a product of the cabal that controls the current neo-Marxist Albanese Government, then they need to read the fine print on the ACMA website. This lays out the alarming fact that this metaphorical train trip down the slippery slope to the concentration camps that will eventually lie at the end of the line, actually commenced its journey in 2019 under the former Morrison Government – that is, the Liberal-National Party coalition. Here are the words published on the ACMA website:

“In December 2019, the Australian Government requested that major digital platforms in Australia develop a voluntary code of practice to address online disinformation and news quality concerns. The ACMA was tasked with overseeing the development of this code and reporting on platforms’ measures and the broader impacts of disinformation in Australia.” “The Australian Code of Practice on Disinformation and Misinformation launched in February 2021. The ACMA provided its report to government in June 2021.”

So what is the Liberal-National coalition (which is now the Opposition) going to do about this? It looks like NOTHING! And if they do nothing, then it will also be the end of the Liberal Party of Australia - which at state level, has already failed politically on every front - mainly because they have dumped the ethos of freedom espoused by Liberal founder R G Menzies, and have adopted the sinister dogma of the Green-Left. The fools have done this in the deluded belief that this will somehow make them ‘popular’ and ‘electable’. The result is that the Liberal Party has been bleeding members as well as votes, and is now struggling to stay afloat financially.

As leader of the federal Liberals, Peter Dutton is a good man - but the question is – can Dutton save the sinking ship of the Liberal Party before it is too late. In my opinion, their response to Albanese’s proposed ‘Ministry of Truth’ and its thought-police commissars will be the issue that will now define whether the Liberal Party lives or dies.

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deletedJun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey
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Thanks for doing your bit, Sophia! How sad about that young man - and all the others who have 'died suddenly' because of this great experiment. :-(

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