I could not find anything in The Weekend Australian 4/5 1/ 25 today at the local library to do with covid. It became clear to me when I opened your new post. Not to worry! Always willing to help my fellow man (part of a leaving certificate from the leading foreman) or woman for that matter. The first comment disappeared while typing, caused by Google or the Google gremlins. As I am a slow typist very annoying. victor

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Victor, I’m a terribly slow typist also. I need at least an hour and a half to type an email of say, 6 small paragraphs.

Then I have to correct everything I’ve typed wrongly, or that AI spellcheck has inserted against my wishes. And I only use iPad. It’s hard to correct mistakes with a fat little finger. I’ve got one of those pens with the rubber end that makes using the iPad easier, but I always forget it.

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No need to respond to my email Meryl. Just keep up the amazing work. Jody McKenzie-Smith

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Happens to the best of us. It is actually a great sign that you do not gravitate to the

fake news echo chamber. All of us receive links to seriously dated information that is news to the sender. In a way that is a good thing...

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I am getting the feeling the fightback has finally begun. We may soon be treated to the video sight of Bill Gates swinging from a gallows, if the Brits get their way.

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