It is absolutely true that these bastards did nothing to improve the country‘s welfare of the citizens except following closer to the evil WEF agenda to control and enslave. No wonder people claim only a revolution can take these empire down.

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What a disgrace this current government is! There is literally only a handful of decent parliamentarians federally! Who in their right mind would create a 24 hour window to accept submissions in?!?! Is that even legal?? It sure as hell shouldn't be!!! Heads should roll over this.

People think the Libs are so good because they're against the misinformation bill...but I swear, that's just a smoke screen for pushing through this minimum age online crap which will lead to Digital ID madness. Both the Libs & Labor want this - because they think it gives them utter control. The more data they have, the more control they think they have.

Not on my watch.

Hubby & I both put in submissions online tonight. (In)conveniently, mine went to 3 pages. The bastards had the audacity to ask for no more than 1-2 pages! What a bunch of wankers we have working at Parliament House!!!

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Thank you Robyn! I read someone stating that they were going to ask chatgpt to write a submission against the legislation in 10,000 words! LOL They probably don’t read them anyway so, stuff ‘em! It is the number of submissions that matter - not their length.

As for the Libs - they were the first ones to introduce the MAD bill in a different form and they said they wouldn’t support this one because they wanted to introduce one of their own.

Anyone who votes Labor, Libs, Teal or Greens in the next election needs to get their head checked. We need independents and minor parties (One Nation, UA, Libertarians) in Parliament - a government by and for the people - not the corporations!

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Hear hear, Meryl!!! :-)

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that much for relaxing a bit

I was furious , so I sent them a

Demand to cease and desist pushing any more "ACTS" on to any living australian man , woman or child as they lack any lawful basis to do so , while they think they have a legal basis to push it onto fake legal entities created by them by deceit.


It ends now.

and with that the proposed 'legislation' shall not pass - but I will remedy my hard earned thirst now

A toast " To Live "

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I’ll drink to that, Michael! :-) 🍾🥂

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