Sitemap - 2009 - Informed Choice

Wellness versus health

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-27

Woodford day 2 - when the rains came

Woodford Folk Festival - first day

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-23

American Sickness Care - Leave no Special Interest Behind

via @huffingtonpost: Arianna H...

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-22

Fantastic background piece on Julie "pay me more, sweetie" Gerberding

Prostitution? Hey, it's a living!

Have you had a reaction to a v...

You get what you pay for

Help! The government stole my wallet!

Kids Offered Pizza For Taking Swine Flu Shot

Tales from the pharma-free autism crypt

Glaxo Said to Have Paid $1 Billion in Paxil Suits

US Kids Represent Psychiatric Drug Goldmine

Gardasil - It has Risks, Dangers, Side Effects


When is a trigger not a cause? When the trigger is a vaccine, of course

Cheetahs getting swine flu? It's just not natural!

Has the US wasted $1.5 billion on Tamiflu?

A Whole Industry is Waiting for a Pandemic

Swine flu - not the deadly disease we were told

Autism rates as high as one child in 67

Reports probe Tamiflu benefits

World Health Organisation ‘Mr Swine Flu’ Under Investigation for Gross Conflict of Interest

Not with a bang, but a whimper

Swine flu - shmine flu! The mildest flu season yet.

Canada pulls batch of 170,000 swine flu vaccines

Boy taken away from parents who refused to feed him junk food

@nath_richards My apologies - ...

Dr. Paul Offit: Pope Of The Church Of The Immaculate Vaccination

AMA - Hypocrisy defined

Desiree Jennings' Road to Recovery

How Plastic Bottles Are Poisoning Babies

The transsubstantiation of thimerosal: the threat of Echinacea and Elderberry

Vaccine Victim Desiree Jennings Viciously Attacked By Medical Establishment

What the Inventor of the Flu Shot NOW Thinks of the Vaccine...

Vaccination: A Conversation Worth Having

Vaccination: A Conversation Worth Having

Urgent lawsuit filed against FDA to halt swine flu vaccines; claims FDA violated federal law

Cardiovascular Risks from Swine Flu Vaccines

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-15

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-13

What the medical community does not want pregnant women to know about H1N1 vaccine and pregnancy

Aborted Fetal Cell Line Vaccin...

Vaccine Ingredients Calculator...

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-12


Why medical ethics is an oxymoron

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-01

It doesn't prevent cancer - but it does cause motor neuron disease

Hyping Vaccines-why diseases need to be deadly to sell us shots

Boy rushed to hospital after swine flu jab

Swine Flu: CDC Swine Flu deception

There is nobody watching the watchers

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-29

The AVN asks - Does the Austra...

Mothers at the CDC Delay and separate vaccines

The “14 Studies” commonly quoted in the press are corrupt - Chiropractic - CDC States H1N1 Vaccine May Maim and Kill 30,000 Americans, FDA Requires Minimal Efficacy

Poisoning Attempt Charges Filed Against French H1N1 Campaign : Health Freedom Alliance

We are starting our new blog

Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overesti...

Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bo...

Hello world!

Hertz-Picciotto's blood mercur...

Farrakhan suspicious of H1N1 v...

Australian Vaccination Network...

YouTube - Our Special Angel Wa...

YouTube - Jerry Emmons Puyallu...

AGE OF AUTISM: Autism and Gene...

AGE OF AUTISM: Wired Magazine ...

An Epidemic of Lies and Main S...

Interview-Joe Mercola + Barbar...

Interview-Joe Mercola + Barbar...

Twitter (16) nocompulsoryvacIn...

Interview-Joe Mercola + Barbar...

Interview-Joe Mercola + Barbar...

Interview-Joe Mercola + Barbar...

A Swine Flu Windfall for Glaxo...

Profits From a Pandemic: A Swi...

Should Germany Gamble Millions...

Second-Class Medicine: Germans...

Does the Vaccine Matter?