
My interview with the amazing David Crowe - about 1 month before his untimely and sudden death

I don't believe he even knew he was sick at the time, but his loss was a huge blow to our community. Especially right at the beginning of the scamdemic.

Someone in the comments on the recent poll (which ends soon. If you haven’t had your say yet, please do so soon - the poll is linked at the bottom of this post) asking if Under the Wire should be revived requested a link to see this video. I did send a link there but thought this was too important - especially looking back at where we’ve gone for the last four years - not to share again.

David Crowe was an incredible Canadian researcher and writer. He published a very influential article early in the scamdemic called Flaws in Cornavirus Pandemic Theory (pdf posted below) which exposed the lie that is PCR testing and laid it bare for all to see. Sadly, he passed away very suddenly of cancer on May 12, 2020 - not long after worldwide lockdowns began. I know he believed the entire thing was nothing more than madness. He was right.

1.27MB ∙ PDF file

David had a very popular site called The Infectious Myth, which sadly is now only available on the Internet Archive. If someone has the ability to download and save this site should it disappear, that would be fantastic. Please let me know if you do—I’ll send you a drive to put the whole thing on for posterity’s sake.

Below are the original notes on the interview I did

Under the Wire presents an Interview with David Crowe

Please note: David died suddenly of cancer approximately 1 month after this interview. I was blessed to speak with him on air - I don't believe he knew he was sick at the time - and like so many Under the Wire viewers, was devastated to hear of his passing. I think of him often and wonder what he would be thinking of what the world is going through today. My deepest respect to David's family and loved ones. We continue the fight.

David is co-host and co-founder of the podcast, How Positive Are You?, and the host of The Infectious Myth on Spotify

His paper, Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory (https://thevirus.wtf/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/David-Crow-Coronavirus-Panic.pdf), is a must-read.

We discussed problems with testing for COVID-19 and why we can’t necessarily believe what we hear when it comes to statistics on the situation with coronavirus.