Sitemap - 2011 - Informed Choice

Is there anybody...out there?

Package inserts - please save and share this link

Woodford Vaccination Forum

What pro-vaccination choice means to me

Magic water? The effectiveness of homeopathy

More of your letters to Woodford

Does the doctor really know best?

Letters to Woodford and sponsors part 2

Supporters of health freedom respond to censorship

Government policies encourage disrespect for parental choice

Whistleblower Accuses Top Australian Vaccine Advisor

Poor skeptics - and their right to be cyberbullies

Do doctors have to sign Conscientious Objector forms?

A very successful seminar tour of WA

Parents who don't vaccinate ARE terribly smart!

Elected leaders don't have to listen?

Interview with Patricia Hamilton of Conscious Living

Dr Peter Dingle discusses the cholesterol myths

The Secret Pact Between Mainstream Medicine and Big Pharma

The 'myth' of toxins in vaccines

The ‘Myth’ of mercury

Vaccination Myths – busting the mainstream beliefs

Latest update on Healthy Kids checks

URGENT ACTION ALERT - preliminary - please share widely

Junk Science at it's Best (Worst?)

Update August 10, 2011

Why are we still using the influenza vaccine?

Update August 4, 2011

Caught in the vaccination wars (Part 2)

Death following vaccination - lack of reporting

Update - August 3, 2011

Nexus Conference - 3 days of amazing support

Does the flu vaccine really reduce the risk of premature birth?

Don't suppress dissent, says the Australian

100 times increase in Whooping Cough - is it REALLY just more testing?

Autoimmune hepatitis type 2 following anti-papillomavirus vaccination in a 11-year-old girl

Disease Mongering - there's good money in that

UK Paediatrician and MSBP Expert Knew Babies Suffered Breathing Problems and Died After Vaccination

Diphtheria in QLD

Hypocrisy - thy name is 'SAVN'

Evidence based medicine? Think again!

The Story Too Important Not to Repeat -

Science and Skeptics - Ne'er the two shall meet

Covered up in plain sight

Can children be considered collateral damage

What doctors don't want you to see...

Dynamic Growth Conference, Brisbane 2011

Baby's injury spurs bill on Vaccine

No respect and very little intelligence

Andrew Wakefield - the Kangaroo Court has spoken

Patients Wary of Doctors' Relationships

Europe to ban hundreds of natural remedies in UK next year